I. Am. Tired.

I guess I could give a quick run-down of my week at WV.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: Monday afternoon, at 12:15, I found out that a dear friend's mother passed away, and my dad had been in the hospital for the past few days. I sobbed all afternoon, played frisbee, listened to some incredible lectures, sobbed some more, and then slept. Tuesday was spent pretty much the same. I really did enjoy the lectures, and I got a ton out of them,  but it was still hard. Frisbee really helped. Shout out: to all the guys who were so sweet and accepting in frisbee. Thanks for giving me a chance to play. I had a great time! I also was not that bad. ;) :) Tuesday night I listened to an incredible lecture about problem of pain, however I couldn't get through it. So I want outside and fell to my knees and basically yelled to the Lord to please give me strength. (I was not mad at all. I just needed strength.) And a calm settled over me. The Lord strengthened me this week more than anything. I don't know what will happen when I get home, but I'll just take one stop at a time. 

Thursday and Friday: More great lectures, more awesome frisbee, and general amazingness. I am going to really really really miss all of the friends I made at WV. :( :( :(

I'm actually exhausted, emotionally and physically. I'll write more when I can think clearer.


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Friday, July 9, 2010