Howdy folks. :)
1.) I've been convicted about how long I've been making these posts.
2.) I don't have a whole lot of creative juices flowing
3.) I won't have much time in the next couple of weeks so...
4.) These posts will be a bit shorter than usual.
Thusday: I woke up, yes I know it's so very unusual. ;) :) I woke up at about 8. Went to the gym for an hour. After a quick shower I flew (yes, flew) over to my massage therapist for one final session (my neck has been in an incredible amount of pain :P). In preparation for our New Year's Party I made a lovely chocolate truffle tart. Other than that, the rest of the day was spent cleaning clothes and getting ready to pack.
Friday: Was awesome!!! :) I made about 60 chocolate chip cookies for the teens. Christian organized a progressive game party for all the teens in the church. The way a progressive party works is that a group of people start at one house, then go to another house, then another, etc. etc. The group (about 15) started at our house. We played the Name Game (the name of a disney character, actor, singer etc. is taped to your back and you have to ask yes or no questions to figure out who it is), and two rounds of occupation charades. Then we went to Christian's house to play apples to apples, and eat some more. :) Lastly we went to the Ripley's made an AWESOME human pyramid, played human knot, and ninja. I won the first round! ::smiles proudly:: Christian won the next. Then Anne, Taylor, and I headed to our separate homes. The New Year was finished, or I suppose began, as mom, daniel, and I stood outside in the snow, and hugged, prayed, and said we loved each other.
Saturday: I slept in till an insane hour. 9:45. :P I can't remember much about that day.
Today: We were very happy to have the Goldmans in church with us. They then stayed after for a lovely brunch. :) I made breakfast for all the kids. Talk about a lot of food. :P :) Anna, Cassie and I cleaned the kitchen. They went home at about 2:30. Everyone went out and I was left to start packing.
Other: I'm really tired. A bit overwhelmed. Really excited at the same time. And I leave in five days...... yeah. Nervous. But happy to be able to start a new chapter/life. As I joked with a friend I'll be "in a "cupid's arrows" proof vest, with a hand gun, carrying around a shield from the roman times complete with helmet, just in case :)"
That's all for now. Take care! :)
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