I was sitting in the airplane with 20 minutes left of battery life so I decided to write a story. The special thing about this story is that I had no idea what I was writing when I began it, or even by the time I finished it. I just wrote the first thing that came to my mind. Any allegorical things are totally accidental. I mean, John and I had fun reading into it, but honestly, this wasn't anything. It was just a brain dump. This is what I had up there. :)
P.S. I've also made no edits

Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a beautiful fish. This fish had so many colors on in it that you couldn’t tell which color it was. The colors didn’t blend; they remained very separate. However, they didn’t look like the rainbow. When a passer by would look at the fish they wouldn’t think about what color it was, but if they tried to pin one color on it they would soon find that no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t quite figure out what color it was. It was too green to be blue, but too purple to be green. On second glance it was too red to be purple. It wasn’t a wine color either. It was a combination of colors. This fish definitely had it’s own distinct color, it’s just that no one knew what that color was. It wasn’t a new color either. This fish didn’t really stand out in a crowd. It was incredibly vibrant. It had big eyes and a tiny mouth, but of which the fish was self-conscious about. The fish’s scales weren’t quite circles, but there were so many sides that it seemed the scales were circles. However, upon closer examination a person would be able to tell that each scale had 100’s of sides, and just as many angles, but a person really had to look. The fish like to jump around a lot. It was special because it didn’t have to be in the water. It could be on land and water. It never stayed still, and when it was still it always seemed lost in a daze.
One day a little boy decided to watch the fish. He had curly blonde hair that continually got in his eyes. He kept trying to push it away with his chubby little fist. However, one must not think that the little boy was chubby. He was quite little, not thin, but definitely on the smaller side. (Random side note: the fish’s eyes were black). The boy had big dark brown eyes that contrasted sharply with his blonde hair. He wasn’t especially pale, but he wasn’t tan either. He had no pink in his skin, but he was still definitely Caucasian. He had a small face, which made his enormous eyes stand out even more, but not in a morbid creepy way; just like someone who has adorable big eyes. He had a small mouth, but he had the adorable habit of biting his upper lip and sticking out his bottom lip which always made his mouth appear much bigger than it actually was.
Anyway, the little boy got in his head that he would watch the fish, and so he did. He was wearing overalls that were just a little bit too big over a red, blue, black, yellow, and white stripped t-shirt. He has his overalls rolled up to his knees as he trundled over to the dock where the fish spent most of it’s time. He came empty handed and came and plopped down on the edge of the dock and dangled his feet in the slightly warm water and waited for the fish to appear.
Now the fish could hear the boy coming from a mile away so she swam very deep so that he couldn’t see her but she could still see him. As soon as she saw his inquisitive big brown eyes starring intently into the water her cold blooded heart melted. What a sweet mouth, what an adorable head of hair, what lovely eyes! Now this fish had always been smart enough not to get caught, so she decided to tease her new fascination for a bit, but never venture close enough for him to catch her, and that’s exactly what she did. For the next several hours she swam to the surface for only a second before quickly diving below the depths. As she continued to tease the boy she got bolder. She would swim up from under the dock and nibble gently at his feet making him jump. Then she would dash out from under the dock and splash around in front of him and then dive down again. This delighted the boy beyond anything else. He eventually plopped down on his stomach and stared contentedly into the water and watched as the beautiful indescribable fish jumped and danced and splashed in front of him.
Now the fish was just getting ready to call it quits when, on accident, she jumped to high and too far and landed on the dock right in front of the boy’s face. Now as I mentioned earlier the fish was fully capable of breathing on land, but that didn’t mean she was terrified of it. The last time she had ventured out on shore she had been stepped on by a group of teenagers, and then a mad had caught her and tried to take off her scales, but she had managed to escape it all. This incidence had happened quite a long time ago so the fish had become a little bolder, but as she hopped onto the dock she was suddenly frozen in terror. Her poor little frame shook so that the boy looked worriedly down at her. As his big brown eyes came closer and closer the fish started to cry. Huge water droplets formed in her eyes and spilled down to the dock.
Now you might say that fish don’t cry, but let me tell you they certainly do. They cry just as much as humans do. They’re just better at hiding it since they live in the water.
The fish didn’t know how long she lay there with the boy’s big eyes starring down curiously at her.
Now all this while the boy had been watching delightedly, but when the fish accidentally hopped on the dock the boy’s curiosity reached new heights. Never before had he seen a fish as close as this! And what eyes! They were so big and black. As he looked into the fishes big black eyes he thought he could see his reflection. He stared without moving for a full minute (which for a young boy is such a very long time). Suddenly an idea came into the young boys mind. He carefully got up and ran to the end of the dock and pulled some rather large leaves off of a nearby bush.
Meanwhile, the poor fightened fish had been waiting expectantly to be stepped on her stabbed or killed, but when the boy jumped up and ran in the opposite direction after staring at her for a full minute (which for a petrified fish is a very long time) a new emotion overcame her. She was ever so curious. And it was her curiostity that kept her from running away.
The boy soon came back with a handful of leaves. He then quickly set about making a small path to the end of the dock. After adjusting his work and inspecting it with a comical cocked head he brushed off his hands and stuck them in his pockets.
“There, now you won’t get any splinters when you get back in the water.”
The fish was shocked and again was frozen but this time by a very peculiar emotion. One she couldn’t quite place her finger on. Suddenly, the emotion’s name dawned on the fish and now in pure panic the fish hopped quickly on the path of leaves back into the water (If you haven’t noticed by now, when fish are confused they recycle through various emotions).
The boy smiled and clapped delightedly as the beautiful fish splashed back into the water. He smiled happily, very pleased with himself. With a pompous, but comically sweet grin on his face he stuck his hands deep in his pockets, turned his back on the fish and loped down the dock whistling a merry little tune.
The fish watched him go and after he had completely disappeared she sank slowly to the depths of the lake, with fresh tears on her eyes, but those tears were so very different from her first ones……. And yet in a way. They were exactly the same.