Sick. Very very very sick.

Spinney Test
Full day of classes
Meeting a YWAM director (M77 stuff)
Four hour rehearsal

5K IJM marathon
3 hours of rehearsal
My first gig playing in a coffee shop

Write two papers
Read a ton

- Chaedon thought to give me a travel pack of tissues. :)
- Also talked extensively with Chaedon about the power of free verse of meter poetry. ;) :)
- Was able to reconnect with a friend from back home (not medford, but OR), and got to find out some awesome news from him! (Congrats. Again. :))
- When I walked to my room this evening it was covered with sticky notes and words of encouragement, as well as adorable pictures. :) Still don't know who it is but I love them! :)
- Claire and I studied for nearly 4 1/2 hours and had a blast
- Stephen was his usual cheeky self, and made me laugh. a lot. which also made me cough. thanks a lot. :P ;) :)
- Was given a yellow rose, plus, I have a with a white rose, a pink rose, and another yellow rose. They're pretty dead now, but looking at them reminded me when I got them and how huge they were. It makes me smile. :)
- I hung two gorgeous paintings I got for $5 all by myself!
- I get to spend every day with some of the most amazing people I have ever met

Praise be to the Lord!!!!

The Lord will carry me through to sunday. Our God is so beyond incredible.

"The Lord is my strength and my song. He (and I add He ALONE) is my salvation." 

Good Grief

Posted on

Thursday, March 31, 2011

