A Thought for the Day:

The last week has been (for lack of a less-dramatic, more sophisticated word) totes insane. ;) I feel like my heart has not beat at it's regular rhythm since last sunday due play-induced stress, assignments turned in late, immense joy from having my mother here, and the thrills of new discoveries.

My mind feels like it's careening ahead in several different directions while my body stumbles perilously behind in order to keep the pace. And yet, it's a beautiful terrifying kind of insanity. :) A kind that I've never quite experienced before. To be honest, I still haven't been able to slow down long enough to process it all.

So this morning, when I woke up at 7 without being prompted by any sort of alarm, I knew that I had to spend some time in prayer. After getting ready for school I made my way up to our little prayer chapel, and half-kneeled, half-collapsed onto the prayer benches.

Usually when I pray the words just sort of pour out of me, unfettered by any sort of filter. At first, I thought something was wrong when, as I sat on my knees in the dimly-lit room, no words came to mind. My prayer began, haltingly and unsure. I tried to really think about what I was saying before the mighty King, and not slip into any sort of habitual process of praying. About half way through, I made a discovery.

"Lord, I pray that I would love you so much, that nothing else would matter."

Then I stopped myself. What was I saying? How often had I said these words before, without every pausing to think of the natural implications. I amended my statement.

"Lord, I pray that I would love you so much that everything would matter."

Every action, every word, every thought. All of it should reflect that love. Regardless of any formal christianese way of doing things or looking at the world, the people that I come in contact with should mean an incredible deal to me. God is reflected in each one of his children, and so each one is of inherent value. Each moment in life should be counted as precious. To go through life caring about nothing would be a complete waste. In fact, to say that you care about nothing else but God, in the strictest sense, is not caring about him at all. To think! How easy it is to use God as an excuse to distance yourself from others, hiding behind the wall of "complete godly devotion."

This thought is very raw and undeveloped, but it was so fascinating to me that I thought I should share it.

Everything Matters

Posted on

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ali said...

So good. That's all I can really think to say. You hit the nail on the head. Thanks for sharing! (:

Jeremiah S. said...

Thank you.