"I search frantically. Running up to the loft, checking all the dressing rooms. Checking them again. She had been right by me less than 30 seconds ago. Running out into the dimly lit auditorium I see a tiny blonde head poking up from behind the seat. My heart slows I quickly make my way through the rows and take the small girl in my arms. "Darling, what's wrong?" "They laughed at me" ::laughing softly:: "That's because you said something funny love. You were funny. It's a good thing." ::forlornly:: "It is?" Me: ::nods:: Her: ::jumping up:: "I want to go say something funny again!" <3 <3 <3 <3Wow............. So I failed. So very sorry. Not that I have a huge adoring fan base who has missed my absence, but a girl can dream. Not. ::laughs:: Wow. I'm out of it.
So I figured I would split this into three sections: Past, Present, and Future
Past: Quick summary of all the colleges.
The house we stayed while at E&H |
On the Annapolis Wharf |
Paying hommage to my uncle <3 |
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Chilling. Literally. ;) :) |
Hillsdale was next, and while it had a bigger campus, an old fashioned library, and a bell tower on top of their admissions building, the school reminded me too much of my high school, just a lot more advanced.
Patrick Henry College. Oh wow. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it was the. The students, the teachers. The campus is tiny, but then so is the number of students (400) so there really isn't a problem. I met Tamara Black and Betsy Reich. I absolutely adore them both. This was the school I decided on. I seriously can't WAIT to go. Almost.... I'll explain in a bit. :)
It's A Wonderful Life just closed tonight. My official duties? Kid wrangler. I had the pleasure of watching two ten year-old boys, a seven year-old girl, and a little blonde (mentioned above) five year-old. It was heaven for me. No doubt, my hands were full, and there were several times when I came to rehearsal completely worn out, but when you have four little children tugging at you, the youngest looking at you with those beautiful brown eyes saying "I want to pway cops and wobbers" you just can't resist.

School is really intense right now. In the past couple days I finished Killer Angels, I've read several of Abraham Lincoln's speeches, and just finished The Communist Manifesto. I'm charging through physics and pre-calc like none other, and have been fine tuning my essay for english. The good news is I have three books left in history (The Treaty of Versailles, Mein Kampf, and The Great Gatsby), two more meetings for Pre-Calc, three for Physics, and my english ends at the end of the semester, so I should be done with school about a week before Christmas, which brings me to....
I'M GOING TO COLLEGE IN JANUARY!!!!!!! I'm officially scared. For the first time in my life I'm actually nervous about something. This isn't like the tiny little butterflies I get before speaking to a large group of butterflies, or even like the nervous stomach flips I get before taking a test. This is straight on fear. The Lord is behind me though, giving me the strength to make it through each day. If I try to look to the future, I become overwhelmed, but If I look to each day, it's just enough. If you know me really well you'll know how huuuuge that is for me. :)
Went to the State Capitol in MD, just for funsies. :) |
A Portland trip is near in my future. At one point everything had been finalized, but now I'm actually not sure what is going to happen. The different options are as follows. ONE: Mom, Mrs. Phelps, Dev, Bren, and I all drive up to Portland on thursdayish, maybe take some senior pictures, hang out, complete the circle (Dev and I + our moms went to Portland when I was in 7th grade for a "becoming a young woman" retreat thing, just by ourselves). Etc. Then we go to church sunday morning, and drive home after. TWO: Mom and I go up by ourselves on Friday eveningish, do some shopping on Saturday for college stuff (cause Medford is lame and doesn't have a "linens & things" or "Bed, Bath, and Beyond").
Then we go to church sunday morning, and drive home after. THREE: Daniel and I drive up Saturday morning, have some last sister-brother bonding time. Then we go to church sunday morning, and drive home after.
We're not sure which church we would go to. While we'd like to go to a certain one, we aren't sure if it's allowed, but we can't exactly make any calls, literally and figuratively. So that is in real limbo. The dates are either going to be the weekend of the 12th, or the weekend of the 19th. I don't know if it matters, but we'll see.
Waiting behind a gorgeous church in Annapolis |
"Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me. Bless His holy name." -Psalm 1:103
"I got you down! And it killed you! And you're dead!" -Justine (7 yr. old)
"Me: I want to see my.... my.... my.... whatever he is" "Your fella?" -Doty
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