It must be finals
A History
- In which I receive flowers and my life is made hap...
- In which my mind is far off and I can't quite seem...
- In which I write a love letter
- In which the second day of my challenge commences
- In which I challenge myself...
- In which I post some of the pictures that I believ...
- In which someone says I am whimsical and I am quit...
- In which sunday I compose and today I muse
- In which my day is made and my soul bubbles over w...
- In which I ramble
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It would be silly of me to say that there are no words to describe all that I wish to communicate, and then proceed to do just that which ...
Warning: It's a long one. :) My Great Father's Humor: A Lesson in Vanity I nearly flew up the stairs clutching the small brown box ...
::grins:: So, not much has happened since yesterday, but today Brenna, Dev, anne, Mrs. Phelps, my mother, and I all went to watch Tangled. ...
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A Thought for the Day: The last week has been (for lack of a less-dramatic, more sophisticated word) totes insane. ;) I feel like my heart...
So here it is. What you all have been waiting breathlessly for. ;) :) Jk. Update: I will be recording some of my music June 3rd in a profe...
I’m afraid I have to switch my tone just a bit in order to cover everything I want. Rather than discuss a single event in excessive detail I am going to report on a series of operations that have taken place. Warning: They might get a bit dull.
Operation: Flight
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It's pretty gorgeous... <3 |
Operation: Cooking

Pretty self-explanatory. So far I visited my high school and saw the musical they did (which was pretty fabulous). Almost cried after seeing Barnett start tearing up (I didn’t say your real name so you wouldn’t be embarrassed ;) <3). I sure have missed you kid. :) Saw all the church people, and spent a wonderful Sunday afternoon traipsing about the town with Brenna, and then spending some wonderful time with Dev. <3 :)
Operation: SURPRISE
Allllmost gave Dad a heart attack. =D (No one except people at school and my mom knew I was coming home. Best surprise ever). Also made him cry. Dad never cries, so it was pretty epic. :)
And now, I’m sitting at my old desk, writing on the computer I worked on my entire life (until sir mac came along and stole my heart). This morning I woke up, had devos for an hour, made breakfast, took Daniel to school around 8:35. Went to work out, worked in the garden, and am now happily munching away at a pear that I found under one of our pear trees when I was raking leaves. Also, my dog has been following me around since the morning, and was even so kind to hop up on my bed and help me memorize my verses (missing my dear Laruen <3). God is so good and so beyond beautiful.
I promise, the next post will be back to its delightfully excessive self. :)
P.S. Yes I have deactivated my facebook. Why not just sign out? Good question. So glad you asked. The main thing I'm tired of is seeing that there are 500 pictures of me on facebook...... there's no reason for that. When I eventually go back, I am going to delete all the pictures and videos (after saving them on CD's), and use my facebook to shamelessly promote my music. :) That and keep in touch with all my friends overseas and across the country. :) ALSO if someone really wants to get ahold of me, they will.
AND I have also been playing christmas music shamelessly since October. :D So for all you people (you know who you are) who have told me that I'm crazy, I'm sorry but I like me some christmas music. :) I'm looking forward to trying eggnog for the first time. :)
No, I have not died.
Yes, I still love you all and I still love posting.
No, I technically should not be posting right now because I have no time. ;) :)
Yes, I have decided to post anyway. :)
DONE: Spanish Midterm, Journalism Midterm, Freedoms Midterm, and Western Civilizations Midterm (MC)
TO DO: Spinney test, Theology test, Western Civ Midterm (essay), Freedoms paper, and Spinney paper
*Most in less than a week. God is good and strong. Much stronger than I am. Glory be to Him! :D
The sun pours gently through the blinds, playing tricks with my eyes, gently cascading over my shoulder, casting dim outlines on the walls. All is ordered around me as I stand at my window, tenderly grooming the two vases that have been on my desk for the last two weeks.
How much more ordered and well-taken care of would my mind, heart, and spirit be, if I applied the same rigor with which I cleaned my room and the same care with which I tended my flowers to my life and my pursuit of the Lord. To tenderly sort through each passage of scripture that I read with a care like no other. To meditate on God's word, and spend time, admiring the beauty of his creation. Or to attack the sin that is within me with all the might that God has placed in me (after all, without the vacuum, I would never have been able to clean the dirtiest parts of our room) with the same fervor as scrubbed at the stain on our sink. To rush about, attempting to right the wrongs that had been done in my heart (let it be known that in every "right" I do, I recognize as the Lord working in me, and no great feat of my own).It was with this thought in mind that I sat down to write this post before heading out to dinner.
And now I am thoroughly famished. :)
In which I tend flowers, clean my room, and hope to do the same with my heart, mind, and spirit
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Friday, October 7, 2011
Beauty should be effortless. Beauty isn't something you can put on with makeup. Beauty isn't how you look or what you wear. Beauty can't be sought after in a physical sense. We are not made more beautiful by adjusting our physical appearance in any way. When I refer to "beauty" I am, of course, speaking of true beauty.
The beauty of character. Beauty is possessing true character. Beauty is not perfect teeth; it's a joyful smile. Beauty is not a wrinkle-free face; it's a full soul laughter. Cultivating the soul, allowing the Lord to work his will in you each and every day, smiling at everyone you meet, inquiring after the well-being - and not just inquiring but showing interest in your fellow human being - of those around you. True beauty should be an overflowing of love, grace, peace, and joy, the kind that can only come from the Lord. True beauty should seem effortless.
In which I speak of beauty in a way that seems very disconnected, and non-sensical and yet makes perfect sense to me
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Conversations in the car are always much more informative and thought provoking than expected... Something I concluded(ish).
Decisions are important and should be thought through carefully. Every actions produces a ripple effect through eternity. The question is, how should the ripple look. Every action we take has an eternal effect. But this is only half the picture. Not only are our actions the cause of an eternal (sometimes cosmic) ripple, but they are also the ripple flowing from someone else's action.Thoughts?
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Losing myself has never been so wonderful. Shhhh, don't interrupt me. I'm in the middle of a very important conversation. |
Her Flowers
The autumn air was warm, yet crisp, and brought with it a lovely pleasant feeling. The kind that can only be felt if you really pay attention. She sat on the cold pavement and let the breeze swarm around her as she stared intently at the large pumpkin that was situated in her lap. She paid attention. She was vibrantly aware of the laughter around that rose and subsided as each new passerby came and contributed a funny story or some random anecdote. She sat in the company of her friends, and was acutely aware of that soft pumpkin smell that drifted all around them, as if it was a gentle haze that was determined to fill them with it's cheerful happiness. Gradually the light faded, the passersby became fewer and fewer, till only she and her two companions were left to carve their pumpkins late into the night.
She stared at her pumpkin, almost content with the rose that peeked back up at her. It was then that one of the security guards sauntered up the steps to join the little party.
"Belle, I think you have a delivery."
She continued to stare at her pumpkin. The rose still needed work and she did not particularly feel like getting up to do anything else until her pumpkin was finished.
"It's flowers."
Frozen. She gripped the small carving knife tightly, and with as much control as she could muster, finished her petal then set the knife down. With, less than fluid movements she got up brushed herself off and then in a state of nervous excitement flew down the stairs, across the road, back up the stairs and into the grand lobby with her roommate in tow. All the while her mind was racing. Who? Why? Should I be scared? Should I be flattered? Finally, to prevent herself from going mad she forced out all the thoughts and decided to calm down and just take it as it came.
When it did come it came in the form of a lovely vase, small and not showy (she unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief). Nestled happily inside were three small pink roses, a few stems of what looked like larkspur, and a whole bunch of something that she was not familiar with. The result: It was simple and therefore beautiful, and couldn't have made her happier. Attached there was a note that read "Fall in love with a girl who loves flowers." This of course was in response to her previous facebook status "fall in love with a guy who loves to give you flowers." You see, she really really really really really really really loves flowers.
I will spare you the details of the poor girl's distraught mind. Her thoughts ranged from "what if it's a stalker" to "it could just be one of my girl friends being silly right?" I must say, she got a lot of laughs when this last hypothesis was produced.
Guys, you may be alarmed by the amount of drama that goes into receiving an anonymous bouquet of flowers, but for us girls, it is quite an occurrence. Especially for individuals like Belle, things like this were exceedingly rare, if not nonexistent-up-until-now. Take courage though. After much hypothesizing, Belle decided to simply take the flowers for what they were: a thoughtful and beautiful gesture.
This story has an extraordinarily happy ending. The next morning, just before chapel her roommate came up to her.
"I know who it is!"
It was revealed that three wonderful friends had seen Belle's status and thought "we have to do something." In the end belle had interpreted the gesture correctly.
They are now sitting on her window sill alongside another beautiful bouquet sent by her parents to make the anniversary of her baptism. They fill the room with a happiness that can be provided by little else. Let it suffice to say that Belle is immensely grateful and pleased.
... which can be extremely trying, especially when you have three 90 minute classes to attend.
Luxury: To be buried in a scarf |
In which my mind is far off and I can't quite seem to get it back
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
My Dear Darling Rain,
The rain poured around me, gently brushing against my face, yet fiercely clinging to my hair. It's such a short walk from my dorm to the BHC, our main academic building. Still, the rain had its mindset on playing with me for as long as it possibly could. I pulled my coat tighter around me to block out the wind. Rain I could handle, wind is an entirely different creature.
In a matter of moments I was settled happily at a small table in the coffee shop, coffee in one hand, Mere Christianity in the other. Yes. It is going to be a beautiful day.
The Challenge:
Day 2 has come and the challenge is living up to its name and being a challenge. I'm learning more about myself than I thought. Truth be told, I do depend on makeup more than I had originally hoped. Evidence? After I had gotten dressed I stared longingly at my makeup bag thinking, I wish I could be pretty today. I guess I'll have to wait till saturday.
It was then that I was hit, once again, by how focused on my outward appearance I am. I'm even tempted to think that this has been a struggle for much longer than I have realized. There has been so many other, far important things, in my life, that I never stopped to think about just how much time and thought is spent on what I look like.
Please note: I am by no means saying that girls shouldn't ever care about what they look like, and that they should only walk around in sweats and a t-shirt all day long. The idea sounds appealing, but personally, I'm a fan of dressing up nice and looking like a lady (I mean, you kind of have to be to go to a school that requires business casual from 8am - 5pm ;) :)). So this is not a call to leave your appearance in the dust.... as a matter of fact, this isn't really a call at all. It's just a slight nudge.
How many mornings do you wake up and sift through clothes trying to find the outfit that will make you prettier than the other girl? Or even prettier than you were yesterday?
I must say, one perk of this whole no makeup thing is that it takes me 2 minutes to get ready (if I have to), whereas before it would sometimes take 5 minutes not to mention those mornings when I really took my time and got ready in 10 minutes! ;) :)
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.Good grief, I love this verse. :)
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
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Oh, really? |
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Fall is certainly upon us. What I wouldn't give for a lovely warm coat. :) |
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Oh what joy it would be to lose myself in these books, reading for hours on end. |
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Two things I love: red lipstick and old cameras..... Speaking of which, two dream items are a polaroid camera and a typewriter. |
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Be pretty if you must.... |
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Lord, please help me conquer all things through you. |
"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable." ~C.S. Lewis
Bridget: "You're very whimsical."
Me: "Whatever do you mean by that?"
Granted, these weren't our exact words, but you get the idea. We looked up the word, and I was very pleased by what we found.
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Whimsical: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way (also capricious in behavior ;) :)) |
Loveliness |
She was met with a blast of frigid air. Within a matter of moments she was chilled to the bone. All the same, with a steady resoluteness she straightened her dress, pulled her thin sweater around her shoulders, and shook the water from her hair. Soon she was sitting down, finally able to rest. She let her fingers trace the keys, letting the soft sounds they made warm her from the inside. It was a gradual warmth, but progressive all the same. She smiled happily to herself as each note brought a different emotion, a different ache, a different pleasure to her soul.
This was reality. Right here before her. Who knew it could be so colorless and yet still sparkle so brilliantly. Some people's reality flows from their mouths, their actions, their words. Her reality shot straight from her heart, and poured out through her fingers. An hour later she had written a song.
The lovely thing about writing music is that you get to see all of reality spread out, right there in front of you. But it's not the kind of reality that makes you want to hide. It's the kind that has been dealt with. The kind that has already flowed out. Once your reality has poured out of your palms and covered the pages in a myriad of notes, there is little possibility of it ever shutting itself back in your soul. I play so that I may see my reality.
Reality |
Hello all,
As I sit here, once again buried in a couch filled with soft pillows, a cup of tea in one hand, Plato's Republic in the other, I can't help but think of how blessed I am. The Lord has been so abundant with his grace. I shrivel with inadequacy in the presence of his throne. He has given me peace when I was sure none would ever come. He has given me strength when I knew I had none left. As each day passes by I struggle with a complete and overwhelming sense of helplessness, and yet, I know that he is with me, guiding each day as it comes.
Whatever is lovely, that is what I seek |
As I look back, I realize how silly it was to let it affect me so. And yet the rest of the morning was dominated by my fears and anxieties. The message in chapel was so fitting. "What are we afraid of?" Was I really going to let the fear of what others think ruin a perfectly lovely morning. God gave me my answer. Not on His watch. ;) :)
How quickly I am to let something that God is sure to take care of upset me. How easy it is for me to forget to depend on his promise that he loves and will take care of all his children. Will I ever learn.
It's high time I get back to the magical world of argumentation and cities and justice and truth. :)
"Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." Find a window. It may be harder. It may take longer. But it will give you a chance to evaluate how much you want something, and it will give you a clearer picture of what you ought to do.
I want my kitty very very much right now. Yes, I'm allergic, but only if the fur gets to my eyes. =) |
OUGHT: Used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone's actions.
The Lord has answered his children's prayers. I do believe this has made me more happy and excited than I have been in so long!!!! <3
In which my day is made and my soul bubbles over with a overwhelming joy!!
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Friday, September 9, 2011
What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in. Spending an evening in deep conversation with a dear friend will do that to a person.
Oh how full my mind is. A good kind of full, and yet, a full kind of full. I think you know what I mean. Just because your brain is filled with good things, doesn't mean that your brain has the ability to deal with all of those things. I would take the time to put it all into a list, but frankly, I don't want to. I am content to let life be full, un-listed, and un-color coordinated.
Two things that have been on my heart the past week (I am sure they have been on my heart before, but I only just decided to voice them). I want to make a difference. I do believe those are the most cliche words out there when it comes to actions. And yet, I long for this. I don't want the glory of doing something, I don't want praise or attention. I just desperately want to bring glory to God. I want to have something to lay at his feet. Not in such a way as "look what I have done, now you can have it." But rather, "Oh Lord, how you have blessed me with this. My sole desire is to give it all back to you."
I want to help children in need. I want to minister to girls who haven't heard the word, who come from abusive homes, or have been rescued from sex/slave trafficking. If God asked me to leave everything I had to go serve on the mission field for Him, I would do it whole heartedly. willingly. joyously.
And yet, this is not what he is asking. He's asking me to be fully here. I feel so full of love for my sisters. Overwhelming to the brim with love. That's what I'm called to do right now. This actually brings me a vast amount of peace and happiness. :)
The second thing is this. I want so desperately to be elegant, and sophisticated. Among so many other things of course. :) For a while I thought about giving up the bubbly spirit that has always been a part of me in exchange for a quiet spirit. I've always thought that one can either be talkative vivacious person with a quiet, humble soulIn my mind, I find it difficult to reconcile these two. And yet, I can't lose my joy. It's so much a part of me that I can't suppress it, and trust me, I've tried. And failed. :)
In the words of a wonderful guy whose name starts with an A and ends with aron K. ;) "a quiet soul does not mean a quiet mouth."
I had fully intended on going on to post something deep, reflective, and very not self-focused. There's so much more I wish to share. But, my lovely roommates and I got into a deep discussion of all manner of things, and so I left my post, and returned feeling very uninspired.
In fairytales, there's always a neat tidy ending. This is not a fairytale. This is my reality. :)
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One thing that I will never never never ever get tired of: an old book. The smell. The feel. If ever something was created to be lovely, it was an old book. :) |
Prayer Request: Still very very sick. Running in the rain, the freezing weather, and stress hasn't helped much. Haven't gone to the doctors yet, but if it persists for another week, then I'll go. Prayer much appreciated. <3