Out in the bitter cold they stood. In hushed voices they cracked jokes, exchanged pleasantries, and did anything they could to keep themselves awake and warm. The bus lights shone in the dark – a beacon of escape. One by one they made their way through to the thick fingers of the early morning into the small bus with the rose colored seats. Giggling, but careful not to raise their voices – so as not to disturb the other passengers – a sleepy but merry group made their way to the back of the bus and filed in – three boys, one girl. The girl filed into the window seat in front of her group. She wanted to spend time in God’s word before the sure-to-be-exhausting day. Snuggling up against the window she took out her small red leather-bound bible and poured over the book of Ecclesiastes.

After wading through a couple chapters and making a few wonderful new discoveries Belle, as she was called, set down her bible, stared out the window, and began to sing in a very quiet voice.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

Almost as if on cue, a pale light climbed it’s way through the clouds and illuminated the morning sky. Belle watched in fascination, as the soft white underbellies began to reflect the pale pink glory that was to come. As more and more light crept slowly towards the sky, a round ball of brilliant pink shone bright on the horizon. This pink was richer than pale, and looked not much unlike the pinkest lemonade you have ever seen in your life. Surrounding that glow of happiness was a ring of light purple joy. Together, the happiness and joy grew and grew, till Belle was sure that the sun was mere seconds from bursting through.

Then the bus went around a turn, past a hill, through a toll, and when they emerged on the other side, the glory that was to be had disappeared. Grey and blue clouds replaced it. Belle sighed happily, feeling very lucky indeed to have even caught just a glimpse of what could have been. Smiling she settled back in her seat, pulled out her computer, and began to type.

In which I stumble upon a memory

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Monday, October 10, 2011