The sun pours gently through the blinds, playing tricks with my eyes, gently cascading over my shoulder, casting dim outlines on the walls. All is ordered around me as I stand at my window, tenderly grooming the two vases that have been on my desk for the last two weeks.

They are a source of wonder, and delight, and peace. My hands brush over the violent red, tenderly pulling out the dead leaves, and petals that have gotten stuck in her stems. Arrogant is she, always clamoring to be ahead of the others. Next, my hands stray to the darling little yellows, speckled all throughout the vase. Unassuming are they, wanting nothing more than to bring light joy to my little corner of the universe. Next it's to the smaller vase. Flashes of pink spring up between long green leaves. These little beauties have last the longest, and have required very little care. Their main job is to support the dainty and elegant purple and white flowers. The poor things. They have long since reached their prime, and are now struggling to retain that youthful glow that they had but only a week ago. After I have tended to all the dead leaves, dispelling them so that those beautiful flowers left might shine undisturbed and undistracted by the browning leaves in their midst, I clean out each vase and let cool clean fresh water fill each one to just the right amount. Now my little flowers can rest happily, in their homes, refreshed, and ready to endure their final days. I shall be sad to see them go.

Later on in the day, I find myself facing an equally fulfilling, though much more arduous task. Our little corner of the universe has been quite cluttered recently. I firmly believe that a cluttered space means a cluttered mind. Unwilling to live bear the unordered state of things for any longer, I set my hand to the great beast that it might be tamed. With an almost frantic pace I dashed from one end to the next, sorting things, cleaning things, putting things away. From an outsider view, it would seem that I was in some great rush. And indeed I was, for fear that the laziness of spirit (which so often creeps up unexpected, and just when you least would like it too) would suddenly rush upon me unexpected, and the mess that seemed to have seeped into ever corner (both of my mind and of my room) would never be sorted out. By God's grace, that laziness never same, and in His strength was I able to pursue my task to the end. Then, just as I was about to go out the door, and looking over the afternoon's work, it suddenly dawned on me...
How much more ordered and well-taken care of would my mind, heart, and spirit be, if I applied the same rigor with which I cleaned my room and the same care with which I tended my flowers to my life and my pursuit of the Lord. To tenderly sort through each passage of scripture that I read with a care like no other. To meditate on God's word, and spend time, admiring the beauty of his creation. Or to attack the sin that is within me with all the might that God has placed in me (after all, without the vacuum, I would never have been able to clean the dirtiest parts of our room) with the same fervor as scrubbed at the stain on our sink. To rush about, attempting to right the wrongs that had been done in my heart (let it be known that in every "right" I do, I recognize as the Lord working in me, and no great feat of my own).
It was with this thought in mind that I sat down to write this post before heading out to dinner.
And now I am thoroughly famished. :)
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