I just want to take the time to say I a few things. First, people. Wow..... and again... Wow..... I've been sick (sometimes off; mostly on) for a little over five weeks. Last week especially was extremely tough. However, the sicker I got, the more people loved on me and showed me how much they care. Thursday evening, I walked into my hallway only to discover that my door was covered in pictures, and notes saying "I love you" "Press on" and my favorite: "Spinney tests aren't so hard." :) Then dear Chaedon was kind enough to get me a travel set of tissues. Then, I walked into my room and found a huge box of tissues and a new water bottle sitting on my desk. I have continually been blown away by the love and care that has been shown me. I also appreciate the gentleness and patience. I love all my dear friends at PHC, and the ones back home who have been encouraging me and helping me with life. I love you all sooo much. :)
The Lord is sovereign. He has a perfect plan for me, but he also has a perfect plan for my friends. I am not the most important part of his plan for other people; he is. I've slowly (and painfully, as most things are always learned) realized that God has a perfect plan for my friends, and sometimes, that plan means taking them away from me, and sending them somewhere else; to someone else. I've always known that God has a perfect plan for me, but so often, I have forgotten that God is orchestrating others lives in a perfect way for them. This has given me a huge amount of comfort especially over the last few days. The Lord has been filling me with so much joy, and so much of Him.
That's such a scary word; obsession. My whole life I've worked at NOT being obsessed with things, that to actually seek to be obsessed is a bit daunting, but at the same time, it's so amazing. I'm actually allowed to seek something for complete and 100% fulfillment. Only God can meet that need. Only God.
Girl, I LOVE all the pics that you find!! They're so fresh, clean, and cute :) The boots one is adorable!!
Wait, 'not roses'...?? As in, you don't like roses?
not roses in that.....
well, it depends on my mood. Right now, I'm not a huge fan. First, I don't want getting roses period unless they're from my family, and secondly, I am seriously on a huge flower craving right now, lol. :) Anything bright and cheerful. :D Roses are too deep for my current mood :)
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