Don't have a whole lot of time to post. But I wanted to share something that I've recently discovered. I had made a goal to spend an hour with the Lord every day.
Sadly, I missed tuesday.
Thankfully, the Lord is merciful and his mercies are new every morning.
So, here's what I've been doing.:
Using an online ESV bible concordance, I looked up all references of the world "satisfy." There were 20, so I recorded them on the back and front of an index card. Then, I proceeded to look up the references in my bible (after putting my computer away so it wouldn't distract), and reading them in context. Next, I recorded the verses onto the index card, giving a line to each verse. After I had completed my search, I tried to find the themes with all the verses to learn more about what it means to "satisfy." I recorded my thoughts on the front of an index card (in very tiny writing... I had a lot to say ;) :)) And then paper-clipped the cards together.
Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes. The best thing I did all day. :)
I've since done the words "Fullness" (which has 18 references) and "Understanding" according to Proverbs (31 references). I really am so excited about this new way of studying. I don't know if this would benefit anyone, but if there's something that you really want to know more about - joy, patience, covenant, endurance, purity - I would challenge you to search through the word. Not in the same way I did, but as deeply as you can. God will certainly reward his children when they seek his council.
Blessings to you all.
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Sounds lovely! I did this once with "forgiven" and "loved," because of a song on KLove, "Child, you're forgiven and loved..." It was such a blessing, and I think I want to start doing it again! Thanks, Belle. :)
I'm glad it blessed you Tianna!
And as addendum, I recognize that any steadfastness or strength that I have in pursuing such studies comes from God alone. Without his mercy acting daily in my life, I doubt that I would ever even open his word. To God alone be ever the glory. :)
Amen!! :)
What a grand idea! I shall have to do this! =)
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