Imagine if you will:

It's about 11:30pm. You walk into a spacious room. At one end of the room is a little white desk. At this desk sits a young girl. Snuggled back in the office chair she types madly as the words fly out of her head onto the document in front of her. She is constantly referring back to the papers scattered to the right of her computer. The left side is stark in comparison with a jar of pencils and a green mug, that once had tea in it. However, it has been empty for at least an hour now.

The girl herself is quite a sight to see. Her hair is tossed up onto her head held down only be a few pins. It seems to fly out in every direction. It is as wild as her typing. She reaches for the empty cup and lifts it to her lips for the tenth time, and blushes (though no one is around) as she remembers that its contents are long gone.

Finally, with an aching head, but almost an entire 6 page essay revised she leans back sighs and smiles, saves her work, sorts her papers into their specific color categories. She gets ready to go to  bed, but as a second thought she decides to blog one final post before she goes to bed.

So she does. :)

P.S. I would post some funny pictures, but blogspot is being stupid and won't let me. :) Love you all dearly. :) <3

So she does

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010