"The wise woman does what she knows. If it's fighting she fights, if it's sewing she sews, when the tension inside of her flows and goes too far." -Songs For A New World.What a day this has been. :) After working on school 9 hours a day, studying for my sats (3hrs. a day), and going through *hell week, I woke up this morning and thought, "ENOUGH!" I slept so I could remember what that was, then I crawled out of bed at 8, sat through my english class, checked my emails, and by 1, was not feeling much better. THEN, I remembered how fond I was of baking, and of how relaxing it was.
So here I am, with Betty Crocker's Double Chocolate Cake in the oven, and a Cocoa Fudge Cake, ready to go, and I am feeling much better. :) Singing and baking make a lovely combination. :)
*Hell week: (n.) A common phrase referring to the tech week of a play or musical. The origins are unknown but may have to do with the fact that going through this week is like hell. 2) Also known as "week of hell."
Funny Story: I started making the Cocoa Fudge Cake and half way through realized I was reading the wrong recipe (German Chocolate Cake). This is how it went.
Me: Mom, I accidentally started making the wrong recipe. So I've doubled everything. I can still make the cake, but it would be easier to throw it out.
Mom: NO!!!!!! We canNOT throw that out. Let's make it into cookies.
Me: Ummm, that won't work.
Mom: Well we can't throw it out.
Me: Ok, how about this. I'll put what I have in a plastic container, stick it in the fridge, and make cookies with it later. Then in two weeks, I'll go into the fridge and say "Oh, I forgot to make the cookies," and THEN we can throw it out.
Mom: ::pause:: Ok. :) :) :) :)
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