My lovely grandparents (the ones from Switzerland) have now been here with us for three weeks. I have been so blessed to watch my grandma clean everything tiny thing she can get her hands on. My grandpa is a hoot! He puts sugar on everything. Salad, brownies, juice, fruit, meat. Everything. :) It's been really cool to be living in a home where Swiss is spoken more than english. These are just a few quotes. Some of the ones said my grandparents aren't as funny when you write them down, but here they are. :)
Daniel: Your eyes are so big! They're like monster eyes, or owl eyes.
Daddi: Maybe I go steal some of your cookies
Daddi: You make good wife someday for happy boy
Me: No, what we need to do is put a female in there so that she’ll eat her husband
Dad: They really do that?
Me: Yeah, that’s why you can’t keep a female and male together for too long. You have to either have two males or two females.
Dad: So they’re gay?
Me: Well I haven’t seen any babies, have you?
Dad: Gays don’t make babies.
Daddi's (grandpa) favorite saying: I spank you
Grossi: I do it.
Me: No, really, I can clean (kitchen/family room/whatever I am currently cleaning)
Grossi: (adamantly) No, I do it.
Daddi: Do you know why we give you money?
Me: No.
Daddi: Because you no smoke
Daddi: OH BOY!
My dad and daddi were able to build a little log bench. We took it up to Roxyanne at sunset and put it about 5 minutes (walking) from the top. When you sit down on it you can look out over the whole valley. It is possibly the most beautiful sight in the world. We screwed it to the ground so no one will be able to take it. Daddi burned his name into the side. My hope is that one day I'll be able to take my husband up there and show him my little bit of heaven.
Blessed be the name of the Lord
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