"I love reading your blog. The latest entry is beautifully written. You are an inspiring writer. I know this because you leave me wanting more. I'm so thankful it's a blog and more will soon come. :)"
At first I thought this email was spam but when I realized it was legit my heart swelled. :)
Heart pounds in my ears. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Running back and forth. As I ran I slip in a puddle of mud. Mud covers my leg. I wipe it off. All around me I hear the shouts of my friends. Everyone screaming at the one with the frisbee. The first game I actually got to play, but by the second game, the 4 giants have taken over, and my humble 5'4''ness can't possibly catch the high throws and deep shots. But I can run... I can run. and run. and run. I can block, and I can stall, and I and run. As I pound down the field I'm suddenly thrown into a day in my past. Fourth grade. Standing inside a soccer goal. 1. 2. 3. and we're off. The two of us. Him and I. The fastest boy at school, and I. Down we race to the other end. Our fingertips barely touching the cold metal of the goal. Then back again. Me only seconds behind. He wins. I crash defeated. The rain pelts at my face. Ok, so it was fourth grade so it wasn't that epic, but today was. Today. Him and I. The fastest guy I know. The frisbee is thrown. 1. 2. 3. And we're off.........
The day passed slowly. Got more math and science done. Then by 4 I was ready to play some frisbee. Got to Grants Pass, after following 4VXL-460 who thought it would be cool to go as fast as he can and tailgate everyone. :P It was cold. Frisbee was great though. Played a lot the first round, then watched as the frisbee flew back and forth across the field, far above my head. I blocked as many people as I could. For the first time in quite some time my competitiveness showed. When we threw off the frisbee, I started running down the field next to my own teammate. He picked up the pace and I found myself racing (kind of) with him. Ugh! Stupid me! After the game I retreated into the company Nat, Alexa, and Mrs. Emmons. We huddled in their car and talked about what we wanted out wedding to look like. I heard some lovely new ideas, and confirmed others. The kruses invited me over to watch a movie and I jumped on it.
"Round and round till the break of day shadows fall, fiddles play" "Dance with me darling. We haven't danced since I don't know when" "Dance, dance, like it's the last last night of your life."Well, we didn't watch any movies, but Abigail and I made some pretty silly videos. :) Then Dev and I danced. Well, waltzed. He's going to my brother's twin. :) Cause they are. Kind of. :) We were practicing for the ball. I love dancing. I would rather go without food if it meant I could dance more. Waltz, swing, tango, etc. :) Reeeeally looking forward to the dance. :)
One last thing before I go. I believe that Halloween was created to give freaks an excuse to do what they normally do, and it was created to terrorize people like me. Driving through down town Medford in the dark, my heart was a wreck: Pounding at red light, and gripping the wheel tightly the rest of the time. While stopped at a stop light I imagined I saw a group of guys moving towards my car. I indiscreetly dialed 9-1 and paused over the 1. "I have a sharp pencil in the glove compartment." And other such insanities. :P I just really don't like Halloween.

I'm continuing to get everything squared away for the trip. I. can't. wait! Still scared, but God will take care of it. I mean it's not like I'm going to go to the wrong college, or I'm going to marry the wrong guy. I'm going to go to the perfect college and marry the perfect guy. For me. Because it's God's plan for my life. And all that He does is perfect.
Once again, Lemonade actually sounds really good right now. Water will just have to suffice....... oOo! Analogy? I think so. :)P.S. Just so none of you get any ideas, my mom was the one who sent me that email. :) :)
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