A cup of hot chocolate
Staying up till 10:00
Watching a part of a movie
Straightening my room
This is how I celebrate finishing off the first semester
Books I've read this semester (usually 18 weeks, completed in 9):- Westminster Confession of Faith -Divines
- Pilgrims Progress -John Bunyan
- Of Plymouth Plantation -William Bradford
- The Social Contract -Jean-Jaques Rousseau
- The Constitution/Articles/Declaration -Founding Fathers
- Selected Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers and Speeches -Patrick Henry/Jay/Hamilton/Madison
- Tale of Two Cities -Charles Dickens
- Macbeth -Shakespeare
- Crazy Love -Francis Chan (Just for fun)
Books I'll read this coming semester (hopefully finished by Christmas):
- Reflections of a Revolution -Edmund Burke
- Uncle Tom's Cabin -Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Lincoln's Speeches -Lincoln
- Killer Angels -Michael Shaara
- The Communist Manifesto -Karl Marx
- The Treaty of Versailles -Various
- The Great Gatsby -Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
- Mein Kampf -Adolf Hitler
- The Real Lincoln -Thomas DiLorenzo (Just for fun)
I praise the Lord for continually giving me the strength to pour myself into my studies. I'm also doing speech. Luckily my DI is done and just needs editing. I'm behind on my cards, but I'm not too terribly worried. The deal with apologetics is that I'm pursuing it more to advance my understanding and passion for the Lord rather than pursue it in heavily in competition. Math and Science are normal. I'm assistant directing It's A Wonderful Life at NMHS. The read through was today and went swimmingly. I have now officially applied to 4 of my 7 colleges, and I'm studying heavily for SATs which will take place in Grants Pass.
Why do I tell you this? Because I want to show you that all of this means nothing in the scope of things. This post is just as much for your entertainment as it is a remainder to me to never lose sight of what really matters: Bringing glory to my glorious wonderful ineffable creator. He is the one who gives me strength each day, even when I wake up and am at a loss as to how I will ever make it through the day. Don't get me wrong. I love how much I'm learning. I love cramming my head with as many concepts as I can, but it is also exhausting. :) However, God provides all the strength I will ever need, and more. :) :) I love Him so very dearly. :)
I'm currently finalizing the plans to a little excursion I'll be taking. As soon as the details are concrete I'll share them with y'all. Another note: All the encouraging emails have been so very helpful. I love you all so dearly! God bless!!! :) :) :)
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