I think Lemons is my new swear word. ;) :) Well, more like the word I'll say when I'm upset.
I am forever in this balance between overjoyed and overwhelmed and I switch between these without warning. It's silly to be overwhelmed because God is in control so whenever I'm overwhelmed I stop what I'm doing, give it to God, and then either bake, play piano, or collage. Tonight I decided to bake.
After 2 hours of preparation and creating, my "Fresh Apple Cupcakes with Almond Streusel" were finally in the oven. Once they had been tucked safely away, I realized that substituting 2 Tb. of Almond Extract or 2 Tb. of Armaretto would make the cupcakes much too strong. My mother had been the one to suggest the substitution so naturally I jumped on her. I was frustrated, selfish, and arrogant to place all the blame on her. Five minutes after a near breakdown, I realized how awful I had been (now granted, I hadn't yelled, or done anything, I had just calmly placed the blame on her, however I'm not sure which is worse). I called her, once again close to break down because of how sorry I felt. The condition was only made worse when I realized she had gone out to get a mini bottle of Armaretto.
All that to say, while today has been a lovely day, I decided to make this evening into lemons. I could have let it go, but I didn't Why do I share my shortcomings with you? I'm not sure. I think it's more a reminder to me about how much I need God's grace and patience.
::sighs:: There now. I've gotten that out of the way, and I'm going to stay up another few hours and conquer these things. I have to study in the morning and run and such, I'm a mess of flour and frustration, but God is so good. :) :) :)
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