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Just made caramel chamomile tea and served it with my new tea pot. Thanks Natalie!!!! :) <3 |
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See Nat! It matches!!! :) :) |
(3:00pm) What does one do when one is alone and has a couple hours to one's self? One cleans. "One's room?", you might ask? No. "One's kitchen and one's room?" Again, no. When one has a couple hours to one's self and needs to relax one vacuums, sweeps, and pledges the entire house. The four front rooms, the bathroom, the hall, and the entry way, so that one's mother will be pleasantly surprised upon her arrival. Does this make one weird? Perhaps. Does one care? No.Another weird thing. Apparently I suddenly have an addiction to Sudoku. Mom and Grandma tried to get me into it a while back, but It just never stuck. Suddenly I'm doing 5-6 puzzles a day. o.O And we aren't talking easy. We're talking Moderate and Demanding. Where did this come from? How long will it last? One has no idea. ;) :)
I have so much on my mind I don't even know where to begin. :) The beginning usually is a good place to start..... A very good place to start. :)
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This adorable "Pet Pillow" was picked out especially by my 13 yr old cousin Charlie. :) Best present ever. |
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"If you get lonely at college just hug your pet pillow and you won't bee. <--- haha" -Jack and Charlie. :) |
Wow, I don't even know where to begin. The last couple of days have been incredibly busy, and a wee bit stressful. Most of it is self-inflicted. ;) :) I'm usually most alert when I'm cleaning the kitchen. There have been so many times when I'm washing a plate or sweeping the floor, and suddenly I think of a wonderful analogy for life. However, I've been trying to not post quite as much. Only post every couple of days. Another thing is posting when I see other people posting that way I don't become a compulsive poster. :) I suppose I could start with an update. Warning: This is going to be a long one because of everything that's been going on. :)
I last posted on monday and while I could take time to rave about the ball, I don't really have the brain capacity to think that far back. All I remember is that my favorite dance was my first one with the best dance partner Devin Kruse (he's tagged in the video on facebook), my feet really hurt by the end of the dance, and I should have never gone to Shari's and stayed up till 2:30. Big mistake.
Snow Drop Cookies |
Tea Ring |
Batter for the chocolate souffle cake |
Favorite. :) A mountain of holiday rice crispie treats. :) |
For all of you girls who love hearing about the fashion bits, here's how I tried to look christmasy without overdoing it or taking any time. I wore a dark cranberry dress/shirt over an olive green cami, with a brown belt, leggings, and black boots. A tiny bit of mascara, a darker lip, and curling just the bottom of my hair, made the appearance quick, easy, and without looking over done (I hope :)). Two more make-up things: One- if you want to go dramatic either pick the eyes or the lips. If you do a smoke eye with a dark lip, I've head, it can look over done. So just pick one to play with. :) Two: This is definitely the season for darker lips. I'm not talking black, but if you can find a dark cranberry, or a fitting purple (more redish purple, not barney purple. ;) :)) it can really pull a whole look together. :)The party really was lovely, and after we came home we watched an episode of Psych. I am not completely worn out and though I would love to talk about all the different analogies I have thought of, this post is already quite long enough, and it's high time I go to bed. Busy next couple of days, but hopefully both mom and I will be able to really rest before we have to start getting ready for my departure. I leave in two weeks from Friday (which is in 6 minutes).
Sunsets. Almost every girl I've ever talked to, whether they are romantics or not, are willing to admit that there is something special about watching a sunset with your loved one.
Walking on the beach as the sun slips over the horizon, the last bits of light playing and dancing on the waves that quietly lap at the shore line. The wind gathers up her hair as they walk in silence, hand in hand. Neither one of them say a word, and yet nothing needs to be said. Everything is seen in the way they look at each other.However, while I love sunsets, they can't compare to the beauty of a sunrise. Some might say that they are pretty much the same thing, but it isn't a sunrises outward appearance that I find so appealing. Rather it's the application that a rising sun gives. A setting sun signifies an end. Those last bits of light signify the last bits of hope, before a bit of your world is encased in darkness. A sunset is an end. However, a rising sun signifies a beginning. Darkness covers all, but just when you think that the end has been set in stone, suddenly a burst light springs over the hilltops. Your breath catches as you watch as the sun stretches, yawns, then shines it's face on the world, filling it with light and hope. A sunset closes, ends. A sunrise begins.
"What a christmas this is turning out to be! Dad's back! Now Daniel tore his meniscus and might need surgery! There's all the stuff going on with me! I'm headed off to college! ERRRGGGHHH"Mom gently corrected me telling me that I needed to, like my wise father, put things in perspective. I can't properly convey the wisdom and calmness with which she spoke, I can only communicate the effect it had on me.
Sunday afternoon. Dad and I lean over tangles and messes of christmas lights. Somehow he sees order in the chaos and picks out which lights go where. I really have no idea how he does it. Soon enough, however, I'm leaning over a long string of lights on sticks, and driving the sticks into the ground along the "south side planter." We plug the lights in and notice that about 6 of them are dead. Or are they? Dad says to wiggle them around to make sure they're screwed all the way in. I start with the one closest to the road. After some twisting and turning it suddenly bursts with light, right there in my hand. It felt so good to make something light up like that. Sure enough about half the lights were working just fine. After replacing the ones that were dead we discovered a problem with one of the fixtures. It seemed that it was broken. Dad took the good ole WD40 on it and cleaned it up. I watched him as he twisted the bulb carefully in place. It still would not light. We knew it was a new bulb. Dad tried twisting it hard when... SMASH! The bulb shattered into a million pieces.
I realized humans are like that. We all can function. We can all light up a someone's world. But if that someone, or if anything else happens and we are dealt with harshly we shatter. Just like that. Into a million pieces. And there's nothing we can do about our shattered little selves but wait for someone to come and put us back together again. Of course we won't ever be able to light up the same way, but if you get the right person, and the right amount of care, we may just sparkle like we once did...... Enough of this. It's depressing. :P :) :) :) :)
After scrambling about looking for extra sticks and checking all the light bulbs the south planter is done and the front of our house is starting to twinkle. Next it was up... up... Up... on the rooftop and around the edge of the roof and soon our house was looking like a dazzling array of magic and sparkle. I can't wait to bring out the reindeer. ;) :) :)
I had an odd dream last night. In broad prospective it wasn't that odd. Just a typical nightmare in which I run, but this was different. As you read on, please be aware that I have dreams like this often and have gotten used to them. This one was just a lot different than usual.
Usually, I always start out with a large group of people (the worser ones are when I'm with people I love), and then after I've been running a while I find I am by myself. The people I'm running from are usually trying to kill me. Either by shooting at me or kidnapping me. I have never been caught. I've gotten to a "safe place" once. Other than that I've always awakened in the middle of running.