December 2010

Just made caramel chamomile tea and served it with
my new tea pot. Thanks Natalie!!!! :) <3
See Nat! It matches!!! :) :)

Pinky up!

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not figuratively in any way. 
However I absolutely adore rain. Again not in the figurative sense. 

Last night was a gorgeous night. About a week ago, maybe longer, I repositioned my bed so it's right under my window. When I lay down I can look out at our christmas tree lights. Last night ::whistles:: what. a. wonder. The wind had the lights flinging wildly about, and the rain pelted at the roof as if begging to be let in. The wind too, was anxious to get inside. It howled at the window and flung leaves and small twigs, including the much hassled lights against the wall. I just lay there listening to the gorgeous rain pound down, safe under my (by this time quite warm) comforter. I'll have you know the covers were pulled all the way up into my chin and I felt completely enveloped in warmth (my bed is pretty cushy.... spongy? gushy? naw, cushy works best. Anyways, I kind of sink into it if I let myself). 

- Monday and tuesday were both very relaxed. 
Monday I rested most of the day (my body has been feeling exhausted lately).
Tuesday was a completely different story. For starters I had the first nightmare I've had in....maybe almost two weeks. Some crazed (and completely terrifying) serial killer was trying to kill me. I kept having to run, and hide, and figure out clues. At one point I made a call to a friend asking for help, but instead it was him and he said "No cheating" like it was a game. It was awful. So awful I woke up at 5:21 and it took 5 minutes to figure out it wasn't a dream. :P (I had my cell phone so I was able to check). Buuuuut, I managed to go back to sleep till 8:30. Dentist at 9. Made ladyfingers at 12 (thanks Nat <3. They were quite yummy). Gave them to the neighbors at 2:20ish. 
(3:00pm) What does one do when one is alone and has a couple hours to one's self? One cleans. "One's room?", you might ask? No. "One's kitchen and one's room?" Again, no. When one has a couple hours to one's self and needs to relax one vacuums, sweeps, and pledges the entire house. The four front rooms, the bathroom, the hall, and the entry way, so that one's mother will be pleasantly surprised upon her arrival. Does this make one weird? Perhaps. Does one care? No. 
Another weird thing. Apparently I suddenly have an addiction to Sudoku. Mom and Grandma tried to get me into it a while back, but It just never stuck. Suddenly I'm doing 5-6 puzzles a day. o.O And we aren't talking easy. We're talking Moderate and Demanding. Where did this come from? How long will it last? One has no idea. ;) :)

This morning I woke up at about 8:30. I was exhausted, but nightmare free. :) After forcing myself to open my eyes I went into my parents bathroom to wash my face so I could be alert enough to read my bible. I opened the curtains and ::gasp:: the lawn was covered in a beautiful soft thin blanket of white, and it was snowing. :) This morning went by as usual. Devotions, breakfast, 2 sudoku puzzles, then I got my hair cut, then headed out to grants pass to have lunch with Natalie.

I'll try to summarize. hmmm ::thinks:: Who am I kidding. ;) :) We went to lunch at this lovely place with incredible food (I swear I won't be able to eat for a day ;)). Then we drove into town, stopped off to get tea, then to evangel, then to this little old fashioned soda shop for a milkshake (for me) and a sundae (for her). Then I had to head home. I had such a lovely lovely time with Natalie. She has been such a huge encouragement, not to mention sooooo much fun to hang out with. She got me the most adorable little teapot as a going away present. It's a soft grass green, with a steeper and everything. It will go perfect with my green tea cup. Pictures will come soon. :D She's the best! :) <3

::sighs:: Oh mother. She is so sweet. Lately she's been overcompensating due to my going away in.... 9 days.... o.O oh boy. Anyway, so today she and daniel took down the tree while I was in Grants Pass. I came home to an empty but very beautiful clean living room. Then, about 30 minutes later she comes home with... what could it be? A new tree! ::laughs:: She was worried that I would be upset that I didn't get to help take it down. Luckily it was on sale, but we (my brother, my mom, and I) all had a good laugh about it. It was so very sweet of her. :) I love her dearly. (We're all a little scared about how my Dad will react.

Another thing. I love being able to confide in people. Mostly Nat, Meg, and Daniel. Friends are wonderful, but there's nothing like your own brother to lean on. Especially when he's an entire head taller than you. ;) :)

Well, that's enough. God bless and keep you all safe and very healthy. May you guard your way and heart according to his word. I love you all as Christ calls us to. :)

Please take care.

P.S. Do you think I should get a new template or does this work?

I have so much on my mind I don't even know where to begin. :) The beginning usually is a good place to start..... A very good place to start. :) 

(Sorry in advance for the length and weird spacing) :)
- Christmas Eve: The candlelight service was absolutely gorgeous. Everything ran very smoothly, including the powerpoint (if I do say so myself. ;) :)) except for one song that wasn't actually my fault. :) The kids sang two carols, the readings were beautiful, and the choir sounded Way to go mom!!! :) As I heard Pastor Dale elaborating on the gift of salvation, for the first time I truly felt it as a gift. I still take my salvation for granted, but after everything the Lord has brought me through, I truly was overwhelmed by how incredible the gift of Jesus Christ is. I'm not really a person who likes gifts. I loooooove giving them, but I never want anything. Seriously, my family had a really hard time knowing what to get me. I told them I really didn't want anything. I realized that as long as I have Jesus Christ, I honestly didn't want anything else. Everything else seemed so........ fading. So unsatisfying. All I want is the Lord. He is sooooooo incredible! :) Now if I can only live this out. Therein lies the challenge. ;) :)

- Christmas: was lovely. Daniel and I slept in till 9:40.....sooooo lovely. :) This christmas was much smaller than usual, but mom and I can honestly say it was the best christmas ever. Daniel and I went all out on my parents. It was pretty awesome. I got a giant very very fluffy bumble bee, and the tangled sound track among a few other small things here and there, but those two were my favorite. :)

-Best Christmas Present Ever: It was mom's turn to open a present so Daniel fished under the tree and pulled out a cylindrical looking object and handed it to my mother. It was from Dad. Mom took off the top bit of wrapping to reveal one of her own mason jars. "oOo! I get my own jam" she teased. However after removing all the wrapping paper, we saw that it was empty with a bunch of different colored slips of paper. Mom unscrewed the top and as she read the strips allowed, she started crying (which isn't altogether surprising, but even I thought it was wonderful). Here's what the colorful coupons read:

1. Movie night; 
2. Barnes&Noble 1hr w/me :); 
3. Dinner you and I only 
4. Date Night
5. Your Choice
6.  Shopping Trip for workout clothes (a. my mom really wants some, b. Dad going shopping anywhere is a huge sacrifice. :))
7. Lunch
8. Trip to see Isabelle if need to. (with an adorable crying face :)) 
9. Prayer time with me
10. Take a walk
11. Buy a prayer book together

This is possibly the sweetest present I have ever seen given. Beats anything you could ever buy.

Sunday morning service was possibly my favorite sermon ever!!! Pastor Dale equipped us with 11 (plus a bonus point ;)) incredible scripture passages that we should take into 2011. When I saw the first passage it was like a huge explosion happened in my heart and I suddenly though "YES! This is exactly what I need!!!!." From there it just got better. My goal? Memorize all 11 (+1) passages. :)

Psalm 119: 9-16
(Typed from memory) How can a young man (or woman) keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments. I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you O Lord; teach me your statues. With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth. In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate o your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statues; I will not forget your word. 

This certain passage revealed so many different things to me!

1. I have struggled with keeping my way pure from evil for such a long time and so often I have despaired to the point of doing stupid hurtful things to myself, especially when allowing myself to be ruled by my sinful desires. So often I have cried out to the Lord asking him to give me the strength, and I will read his word, and pray as much as I can and nothing works. I would still fall into sin! Now, I'm not saying, by any means, that just because I start memorizing scripture I'll suddenly be cured of my desires and miraculously become the first pure person since Jesus. :P I will struggle just as much, if not more, since I will be granted more freedom as I grow up. However, I will be equipped with a tool I didn't have before. God's word, in my head, whenever I need it. How in the world can I keep my way pure? God tells me!!! By guarding my way according to his word. The Psalmist, and in fact solomon, talks about how important it is to hide God's word in your heart! This is why!!! So that we might keep our ways pure! So excited to start memorizing. 

2. This will be shorter I promise. ;) :) Most of you all know what I mean when I say "voices in your head." Mine, like many others, never ever ever shuts up. It's relentless. Sometimes it's as simple as laying in bed and not being able to sleep because I keep hearing "Make sure to do the laundry tomorrow" "Did you start the dishes?" "What time is your appointment etc. (not in the weird schizophrenic way just the normal way). However, sometimes, I'll be playing out scenarios in my head, and due to my imagination and nightmares they can sometimes get horrific. What I've been doing to try and force myself to stop thinking is counting. ya know.... 1... 2... 3... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... 8.... 9.... etc. Until I fall asleep or can focus on something happier. It also goes the same way for sinful things like malicious thoughts. Now that I'll have scriptures I can use those to strengthen and help me. The Lord's word is so wonderful isn't it! :)

3. The Lord is always talking about keeping your mind from evil. In the old testament it was just about doing something wrong, but in the new testament even if you think about it it's sin. Which makes sense. For instance, most people don't just suddenly commit adultery or murder without first thinking about it. Murder is just hate gone very very wrong. So if we allow ourselves to entertain sinful thoughts, the leap from thought to action won't be as big. Which is why it is soooooo important to memorize God's word so that when we are faced with trials and tribulations and temptations we can get strength and encouragement right from our loving all-powerful father Himself. There! This one was shorter. ;) :)

College: In other news I leave for college in 11 days..... ::deep breath:: I am sooooo ready. I have everything I'm going to bring it's just a matter of packing it. Kira and I are both very excited to be roommates. :) I'm really looking forward for a chance to start over. Begin a new chapter. Move on from everything that is dragging me down and holding me back. I'll also be able to completely focus on the Lord (or so I hope). I really really need this. I need this chance to clear my head and begin anew. I'm nervous of course. But my excitement far outweighs that. Plus I'll have some very dear friends to come alongside me and pray and strengthen me. 

OH!!!! And I can't WAIT to get my friend a birthday present. ;) ;) :) Actually my two friends. My bestie Meghan, and my dear sweet friend Tamara. I still can't believe I get to be in town for her birthday! So awesome! :) :) :) 

Alright, now I'm just rambling. :) Goodbye everyone. Until next time. :) Never ever forget that God is our stronghold. To Him should we cling above all else!! Thank the Lord for friends and family that we can go to in times of trouble. It is in Him that I rest all my trust and hope! 

God bless you

~ Isabelle 

11 Days!

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Monday, December 27, 2010

It's not a problem it's a challenge." 
-Last Five Years

::sings loudly to her new soundtrack as she dances and cleans with her new jumbo sized plushy bumble bee::

7 AM, the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15

And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb
Sew a dress!

And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush
and brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wanderin' and wanderin'
And wanderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?

And tomorrow night
Lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older
Mother might just
Let me go...

Also sang the spell song. :)

I still need a name for him. :)
This adorable "Pet Pillow" was picked out
especially by my 13 yr old cousin Charlie. :)
Best present ever.

"If you get lonely at college just hug your pet pillow and you won't bee. <--- haha" 
-Jack and Charlie. :)

We're fine, we're fine, we're fine

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wow, I don't even know where to begin. The last couple of days have been incredibly busy, and a wee bit stressful. Most of it is self-inflicted. ;) :) I'm usually most alert when I'm cleaning the kitchen. There have been so many times when I'm washing a plate or sweeping the floor, and suddenly I think of a wonderful analogy for life. However, I've been trying to not post quite as much. Only post every couple of days. Another thing is posting when I see other people posting that way I don't become a compulsive poster. :) I suppose I could start with an update. Warning: This is going to be a long one because of everything that's been going on. :)

I last posted on monday and while I could take time to rave about the ball, I don't really have the brain capacity to think that far back. All I remember is that my favorite dance was my first one with the best dance partner Devin Kruse (he's tagged in the video on facebook), my feet really hurt by the end of the dance, and I should have never gone to Shari's and stayed up till 2:30. Big mistake. 

::runs and grabs monthly planner so she can remember what she did::
So, here we go. :)

Monday: You know what I love about winter? It really doesn't matter what shirt you wear, as long as you have a stylish warm winter coat. So even though I had an appointment at 10:00 after an incredibly late night, all I had to do was roll out of bed at 9:30, grab a sweatshirt, pull on my lovely new black coat and a pair of jeans, and I was out the door (I've been getting into the habit of wearing make-up only when I have to. Let's not even talk about my hair. :)) After my appointment I drove to the store, got some ingredients, and made cookies.

Snow Drop Cookies
The rest of the day was spent with daisy in my lap with "Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles," a dramatized retelling of Queen Mary. I really have so much respect for her. I guess this day wasn't all that stressful. :) That night the family watched a couple episodes of Psych. :)

Tuesday: Was another earlyish morning. I had a dentist appointment at........ ::checks planner:: 11:45am. I guess it isn't that early. :) I had to get my night guard fitted. Let me tell you, if there was ever a contraption designed specifically to make someone as uncomfortable as possible without inflicting pain, this would definitely be it. :P After the appointment I ran a few errands, then dropped off the cookies to the people they were intended for. About 2ish I texted my bestie Meg and we decided to go out to dinner to exchange gifts and have one last little outing (not including her birthday which is coming up). We ended up going to Red Robin, then Coldstone, then home for two episodes of Castle, and an episode of Psych. Yay Netflix and Hulu! :)

Wednesday: First off, I would just like to say how blessed I am to have such amazing friends. One in particular is my very dear friend Natalie Emmons. I don't want to embarrass her too much, but I would just like to point out how incredibly sweet and encouraging she can be. I adore hanging out with her. We have such wonderful and deep talks, but at the same time most of our time is also spent laughing and being funny. :) 

With that said, I woke up at about 8:30, and was out of the house by 9:15, on my way to grants pass to meet with Natalie. We met at this wonderful little cafe called Ethereal Cafe for coffee. After talking for about an hour we started walking around town. We stopped at several little cute stores including the toy store. I had never seen it and I really wanted to take a look inside. We ended up building an adorable little house out of the building log things. I saw Aaron there, but he looked busy so we just left and went to these other little boutiques. All in all I had a really lovely time. :) 

After making the 45 minute drive home I got busy in the kitchen and made two swedish tea rings. Every year mom makes her famous tea ring for all three pastors, but this year she has been really busy with getting the christmas cards ready, organizing everything with the choir, and preparing for the christmas eve service, so yours truly made her first tea rings for two of the three pastors. These aren't just an ordinary tea rings. Each one takes about three hours, and they require a ton of concentration because if one things goes wrong, the entire batch is wasted. However, I made and delivered them successfully, and according to Anne (the daughter of our head pastor) the tea ring was gone by this morning. :)

Thursday... Today: Woke up at 8:30ish. Again. :) After praying and reading my bible I went into the kitchen and started baking. I stayed in the kitchen from 9:00-3:30 without leaving. I made another tea ring for the millers, a batch of baklava for the Steinhorsts, a huge plate of rice crispies and a chocolate souffle cake for the Miller's christmas party. 

Tea Ring

Batter for the chocolate souffle cake

Favorite. :) A mountain of holiday rice crispie treats. :)
Ok, believe it or not baking is incredibly tiring. Especially when it's not just chocolate chip cookies. So after cleaning the kitchen several times, and baking everything, I was completely worn out. And we hadn't even gotten to the party yet. :P :) However, it was very refreshing to change into nice clothes and go have an incredible dinner (thank you Mrs. Miller :) ) With about 22 other people. :)
For all of you girls who love hearing about the fashion bits, here's how I tried to look christmasy without overdoing it or taking any time. I wore a dark cranberry dress/shirt over an olive green cami, with a brown belt, leggings, and black boots. A tiny bit of mascara, a darker lip, and curling just the bottom of my hair, made the appearance quick, easy, and without looking over done (I hope :)). Two more make-up things: One- if you want to go dramatic either pick the eyes or the lips. If you do a smoke eye with a dark lip, I've head, it can look over done. So just pick one to play with. :) Two: This is definitely the season for darker lips. I'm not talking black, but if you can find a dark cranberry, or a fitting purple (more redish purple, not barney purple. ;) :)) it can really pull a whole look together. :)
The party really was lovely, and after we came home we watched an episode of Psych. I am not completely worn out and though I would love to talk about all the different analogies I have thought of, this post is already quite long enough, and it's high time I go to bed. Busy next couple of days, but hopefully both mom and I will be able to really rest before we have to start getting ready for my departure. I leave in two weeks from Friday (which is in 6 minutes).

Speaking of which, there will be a short little gathering before we leave for the airport Friday afternoon before I leave at my house. Details to come. :) 

Sometime very soon I am going to post about how absolutely incredible God is.
He is so good.
And so forgiving. 

I love you all.
Always praying. 
Always Hoping.
In God we trust.

(Sorry about the weird spacing)

Is so done with baking :)

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Friday, December 24, 2010

...Ish :)


This was supposed to be uploaded forever ago. :P Real post coming after the party tonight. But no promises. 


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Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's really laggy. Couldn't be helped. <3

WE GOT A KITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sunsets. Almost every girl I've ever talked to, whether they are romantics or not, are willing to admit that there is something special about watching a sunset with your loved one.

Walking on the beach as the sun slips over the horizon, the last bits of light playing and dancing on the waves that quietly lap at the shore line. The wind gathers up her hair as they walk in silence, hand in hand. Neither one of them say a word, and yet nothing needs to be said. Everything is seen in the way they look at each other. 
However, while I love sunsets, they can't compare to the beauty of a sunrise. Some might say that they are pretty much the same thing, but it isn't a sunrises outward appearance that I find so appealing. Rather it's the application that a rising sun gives. A setting sun signifies an end. Those last bits of light signify the last bits of hope, before a bit of your world is encased in darkness. A sunset is an end. However, a rising sun signifies a beginning. Darkness covers all, but just when you think that the end has been set in stone, suddenly a burst light springs over the hilltops. Your breath catches as you watch as the sun stretches, yawns, then shines it's face on the world, filling it with light and hope. A sunset closes, ends. A sunrise begins.

Then of course there's that moment in time, the snap shot of a sun peaking over the horizon. Is it setting? Is it rising? Is this an end? Is this a beginning? You can't tell. Perhaps it's the beginning of an end. The last door closing. But maybe, (and you pray and hope that it's the case) just maybe, it's a fresh start. A new beginning. A sunrise.

"Joy comes in the morning"

- My dress has been fitted. The mask has been selected and customized. I'm ready for a ball. 
- Last night I slept. I didn't think I would. In all honesty I didn't want to, but I did, and it helped more than I could have imagined.
- This morning I picked up my dress, and watched movies. I was exhausted and to be able to just relax on the couch felt so incredible. I watched Penelope and a cute little flick called Someone Like You. The movie was refreshingly clean for the most part, and the main character reminded me a lot of me. 
- At five I slipped into my thick coat and headed over to Anne's. Once I got there the six girls (Ely, Heidi, Stephanie, Anne, Emily, and I) all piled into Anne's car, and headed to the Ashland "Ice Skating in the Park." Once there we met up with Christian, Elizabeth, John, and Brittany. We skated for a little less than two hours. It was so beautiful and refreshing. I made a complete fool of myself, but it was wonderful to be out in the cool air. About 40 minutes into the skating it started to rain. It wasn't quite as good as snow, but it made the rink sparkle, and the christmas lights appear magical. On the not so magical side we all got soaked to the bone. :) We drove home and after warming up and eating an assortment of crackers, apples that were red on the inside (who knew?) and pizza, we gathered in the family room and did a white elephant gift exchange. One of gifts was an oversized hideous yellow sponge bob shirt. The girls have decided to trade off. The rule: We all have to wear it in a public place and take a picture. :) I then picked up Daniel, and we went home. 

Made a fool of myself. :)

- Our family is really getting into the TV show Psyche. We watched a couple episodes, and I had to pry myself away in order to write this blog post. 
- The next couple of days are going to be hectic. Prayers appreciated.

It's all about Perspective. 

My mom got in from working at about 2:30ish. We talked about Daniel, and Dad and everything that has been going on. I complained loudly 
"What a christmas this is turning out to be! Dad's back! Now Daniel tore his meniscus and might need surgery! There's all the stuff going on with me! I'm headed off to college! ERRRGGGHHH"
Mom gently corrected me telling me that I needed to, like my wise father, put things in perspective. I can't properly convey the wisdom and calmness with which she spoke, I can only communicate the effect it had on me.

I realized a lot of my life is spent worrying over very silly petty things. Will I have enough money to go to college? Will I be able to stay well? Will anyone ever love me? What if I marry the wrong guy? What if I'm going to the wrong college? The last few months have been spent in constant worry. I am not trusting God at all. I've always known that this has been an issue. In essence everyone who gets worried to the point of obsession is lacking God's trust but it wasn't until today that it hit me just how far I have fallen in trusting Him. All these things that I want to hold to, and worry about, and stress over; they are all part of His plan. His glorious, unknowable plan for my life. I can only see my life and the world through my two very very very very tiny little eyes. I need to put things in perspective. This life is not about me, but every time I worry and I try to focus on what I need and what I want and what I will make me happy, I lose sight of the true joy and the true happiness that I can only find through Jesus Christ.

Sorry, that thought process was a bit jumbled and was really hard to communicate, but it needed saying.

Joy comes in the morning. A promise I hold fast to. 
Side note:  21 days till college (AH!)

I love you all.
Always Praying.
Always Hoping. 
In God we trust. 

Joy, Perspective, and Sunsets

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Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm headed out to skating in Ashland at an outdoor ring.
Thank the Lord for a busy weekend. 
I'm going to do a bit on sunrises vs. sunsets later.

"If it's fighting she fights, if it's sewing she sews,
When the tension inside of her flows and goes
too far..."

-Belle Nicole

Post will be added after speech. 
Wouldn't want anyone to forget I had a blog because I hadn't been posting.

The Wise Woman Does What She Knows..."

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sunday afternoon. Dad and I lean over tangles and messes of christmas lights. Somehow he sees order in the chaos and picks out which lights go where. I really have no idea how he does it. Soon enough, however, I'm leaning over a long string of lights on sticks, and driving the sticks into the ground along the "south side planter." We plug the lights in and notice that about 6 of them are dead. Or are they? Dad says to wiggle them around to make sure they're screwed all the way in. I start with the one closest to the road. After some twisting and turning it suddenly bursts with light, right there in my hand. It felt so good to make something light up like that. Sure enough about half the lights were working just fine. After replacing the ones that were dead we discovered a problem with one of the fixtures. It seemed that it was broken. Dad took the good ole WD40 on it and cleaned it up. I watched him as he twisted the bulb carefully in place. It still would not light. We knew it was a new bulb. Dad tried twisting it hard when... SMASH! The bulb shattered into a million pieces.

I realized humans are like that. We all can function. We can all light up a someone's world. But if that someone, or if anything else happens and we are dealt with harshly we shatter. Just like that. Into a million pieces. And there's nothing we can do about our shattered little selves but wait for someone to come and put us back together again. Of course we won't ever be able to light up the same way, but if you get the right person, and the right amount of care, we may just sparkle like we once did...... Enough of this. It's depressing. :P :) :) :) :)

After scrambling about looking for extra sticks and checking all the light bulbs the south planter is done and the front of our house is starting to twinkle. Next it was up... up... Up... on the rooftop and around the edge of the roof and soon our house was looking like a dazzling array of magic and sparkle. I can't wait to bring out the reindeer. ;) :) :)

I had an odd dream last night. In broad prospective it wasn't that odd. Just a typical nightmare in which I run, but this was different. As you read on, please be aware that I have dreams like this often and have gotten used to them. This one was just a lot different than usual.

Usually, I always start out with a large group of people (the worser ones are when I'm with people I love), and then after I've been running a while I find I am by myself. The people I'm running from are usually trying to kill me. Either by shooting at me or kidnapping me. I have never been caught. I've gotten to a "safe place" once. Other than that I've always awakened in the middle of running.

Last night, I was in a place very much like bethel church, a church that sits on the side of the hill. The side of the hill itself was heavily wooded and steep, at the bottom was a river. Across that river was a fence. Across that fence was a field of marsh. I don't know what lay beyond that. At the beginning of my dream I didn't know this, but you'll see how I found out.          
The dream started out as normal. I was surrounded by people I loved. Lots of small children I had previously taught in sunday school, as well as most of the younger siblings of my friends, as well as some older very dear friends. We were there for some conference, and I was supposed to be helping serve food. I had a group of young ones helping me carry plates of food to the empty tables. I knew there were other people in the building. You could hear them through the walls, loud and obnoxious. Suddenly, without warning I saw them begin to pour out the side of the building along the street that ran across the hill and seemingly around the hill. I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. A certain terror rose to my throat, and I knew I had to get the kids out of there. The children and I ran outside with the great throng of people. We were almost to a safe place safe when I turned and I realized someone I loved was still back in the church. I turned and to my horror I saw the place in flames. Someone had sent up a small explosion that had set the place on fire.

I ran as fast as I could against the tide of people searching for my friend, but I couldn't distinguish any one face clearly. By the time I got back to the church I was alone. Everyone had fled. I ran in through the part of the church that was charred but not on fire. I flipped over boards as my stomach sank into my feet. Luckily everyone had escaped. Everyone but me. I ran out to the patio and looked over the side of the hill, over the forrest. I turned and nearly screamed. There was someone standing behind me. Several feet away. Stock still. I knew this person. I had seen this person before, but this person had been altered almost beyond recognition. She smiled, and terror filled ever part of me. This person came at me. I jumped over the balcony and landed on my side.

I rushed into the woods, running, tripping, skidding down the side of the hill, all the while terror caught in my throat. I could hear the person behind me as I skidded through the trees. I abruptly came to the edge of the woods and almost teetered into the rushing river. I looked behind me and could see the person moving at lightening speed toward me. Without a second thought I dove in, but my head never went under the water (that's the weird thing about dreams. They don't make sense when it comes to logistics). I started swimming to the other side. I wanted to see if the person was still following me. I turned and there she was, on the side of the river bank, grinning. She had a small bomb in her hands (I've  never seen a really bomb, but I know what the cartoon ones look like so that's what it was. All the same it was terrifying). The person laughed and threw it to the other side of the river. I now could choose between death by the person or death by explosion. I made my choice.

I swam down stream with the current, knowing I had little time left. When I figured I was a good distance away I swam to the opposite side (from where the person had been standing), and climbed up onto the bank, but I had no time to rest. Gripping my sides I ran/trudged as fast as I could through heavy underbrush. Knowing I was running out of time. I was covered in filth, but I didn't seem to feel it. I scratched myself while climbing carefully through the strings of barbed wire that served as a fence. Then suddenly in my head I seemed to realize I was about to die, I forced myself to run just a little bit longer....

3..... 2..... 1.....

My alarm. 
I woke up...

...with a small scratch on my arm. I had worn my watch to bed. 

That was my dream. Pretty much verbatim. The odd part was the bomb. The feeling of the count down. The explosion and what not. 

My massage therapist said that I probably was dealing with a lot of fear and anxiety. I should have told her I was going to college. No duh. ;) :) :) :) She was very helpful and my back feels much better. 

On a much happier note, I lost my purity ring. ::laughs:: ok, so that's not the happy part. The happy part is that I got it replaced with the one exactly like it. It looks even prettier cause the stone is a tad bit darker. For those of you who have never seen it, the ring is a gold band with a the dark green four sided garnet set on it. The ring doesn't not look like an engagement or wedding ring in anyway. It's very original. :) This picture won't do it justice. 

I was practically giddy when I got it. 

NOTE TO GUYS: When buying a ring try to find a jewelry manufacturer. The kind that actually sells to the bigger stores. See, stores like Tiffany's and Kay Jewelers, they're all very nice, but they buy their rings from private manufacturers, and then mark them up at least 200-300% of what they're worth. My ring is about 1/20 of the price at the bigger jewelers, and it's just as real as the ones you see in stores.

Another option is to become a mason and help build the vault of a private jeweler and then become friends with him. ;) :)

Well that is quite enough for now. 

God bless 

It's That Time of Year

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Now I'm roasting by a shielded fire, 
With sugar cookies on the counter,
Knight and Day is ready to play,
and family's gathered round the TV

Everybody knows that cookies and a good movie
Help to make the evening nice,
But best of all, is the fact that I can,
Write you all this blo-og post

Ok, so I lied. This definitely is not the best part of the evening, but it fit. :)

The really nice thing about being an actor is that curfews are fudged at a very early age. Cast parties most often occur after the show. I remember being out at one without my parents when I was 14. Now I was surrounded by other responsible parents, but the fact is, staying out late to see a show was never a problem in our family so long as I called at lot. Please take that into consideration when you read the following. 

Yesterday evening I got all fancied up after a week of being sick. I was still feeling a little sick, but I put on my face, a nice dress, and drove downtown for my friend's surprise birthday party. Driving down Main St. through all the lights really got me in the Christmas mood, and my attire made me feel even more Christmassy. The party took place at the Church's office (three rooms above a boutique clothing store) which was beautifully decorated. The surprise played out wonderfully, and I got to rock out on the guitar for one round of Guitar Hero before I had to leave. 

While it was fun to imagine I was going to some dressy party the real reason why I dressed up is because Meg and I went to the thee-a-tah. I gathered my big winter coat and purse and flew down the stairs out into the crisp winter air. Waiting out on the sidewalk, the rain illuminated by the street lamps and christmas lights, I felt like I was in a movie. The red car pulled up and I hoped in and Meg and I talked and listened to Christmas as we drove to Talent. Not quite the same as the Nutcracker in Portland but just as fun. :)

The show was fabulous as was the after party. :) Meg and I ended getting home at about 11:30. She dropped me off by my car downtown and I drove home. When I got home Daniel convinced me to stay up an hour and a half longer to watch The Princess and the Frog. By 1:30 I was too tired to stay awake much longer, so I went to bed. 

This afternoon I decorated sugar cookies with Dev, Bren, Anne, Erin, and Heidi while the adults all watched the last half of the civil war. It was quite lovely. 

I'm now very tired, so I'll watch Knight and Day with my family, a trip to the jacuzzi to try to take care of my back, and it's off to bed. Hopefully.

On a side note I'm coming to Portland on the 11th and 12th. 

Ok, the end. Love you all. Take care! :) 

City Sidewalks

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tit for tat
Post for post
That is how
These posts will go
-Yes I know it's an awful poem. :)

Pessimist: Darn it! I'm sick!!! I hate have red, swollen lips! And I hate not being able to go out and play! ::pouts::

Optimist: I'm sick. Oh well. :) I now have the perfect excuse to buy more burt's beezwax, and I'll be able to get a lot of school done! ::smiles::

Me: Sick??? I'm not sick! You kidding me! I'm fine! :) :) ::beams::

Me, Myself, and..... wait! Who brought her???

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010