I have so much on my mind I don't even know where to begin. :) The beginning usually is a good place to start..... A very good place to start. :)
(Sorry in advance for the length and weird spacing) :)
Summary: - Christmas Eve: The candlelight service was absolutely gorgeous. Everything ran very smoothly, including the powerpoint (if I do say so myself. ;) :)) except for one song that wasn't actually my fault. :) The kids sang two carols, the readings were beautiful, and the choir sounded a.ma.zing. Way to go mom!!! :) As I heard Pastor Dale elaborating on the gift of salvation, for the first time I truly felt it as a gift. I still take my salvation for granted, but after everything the Lord has brought me through, I truly was overwhelmed by how incredible the gift of Jesus Christ is. I'm not really a person who likes gifts. I loooooove giving them, but I never want anything. Seriously, my family had a really hard time knowing what to get me. I told them I really didn't want anything. I realized that as long as I have Jesus Christ, I honestly didn't want anything else. Everything else seemed so........ fading. So unsatisfying. All I want is the Lord. He is sooooooo incredible! :) Now if I can only live this out. Therein lies the challenge. ;) :)
- Christmas: was lovely. Daniel and I slept in till 9:40.....sooooo lovely. :) This christmas was much smaller than usual, but mom and I can honestly say it was the best christmas ever. Daniel and I went all out on my parents. It was pretty awesome. I got a giant very very fluffy bumble bee, and the tangled sound track among a few other small things here and there, but those two were my favorite. :)
-Best Christmas Present Ever: It was mom's turn to open a present so Daniel fished under the tree and pulled out a cylindrical looking object and handed it to my mother. It was from Dad. Mom took off the top bit of wrapping to reveal one of her own mason jars. "oOo! I get my own jam" she teased. However after removing all the wrapping paper, we saw that it was empty with a bunch of different colored slips of paper. Mom unscrewed the top and as she read the strips allowed, she started crying (which isn't altogether surprising, but even I thought it was wonderful). Here's what the colorful coupons read:
1. Movie night;
2. Barnes&Noble 1hr w/me :);
3. Dinner you and I only
4. Date Night
5. Your Choice
6. Shopping Trip for workout clothes (a. my mom really wants some, b. Dad going shopping anywhere is a huge sacrifice. :))
7. Lunch
8. Trip to see Isabelle if need to. (with an adorable crying face :))
9. Prayer time with me
10. Take a walk
11. Buy a prayer book together
This is possibly the sweetest present I have ever seen given. Beats anything you could ever buy.
Sunday morning service was possibly my favorite sermon ever!!! Pastor Dale equipped us with 11 (plus a bonus point ;)) incredible scripture passages that we should take into 2011. When I saw the first passage it was like a huge explosion happened in my heart and I suddenly though "YES! This is exactly what I need!!!!." From there it just got better. My goal? Memorize all 11 (+1) passages. :)
Psalm 119: 9-16
(Typed from memory) How can a young man (or woman) keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments. I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you O Lord; teach me your statues. With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth. In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches. I will meditate o your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statues; I will not forget your word.
This certain passage revealed so many different things to me!
1. I have struggled with keeping my way pure from evil for such a long time and so often I have despaired to the point of doing stupid hurtful things to myself, especially when allowing myself to be ruled by my sinful desires. So often I have cried out to the Lord asking him to give me the strength, and I will read his word, and pray as much as I can and nothing works. I would still fall into sin! Now, I'm not saying, by any means, that just because I start memorizing scripture I'll suddenly be cured of my desires and miraculously become the first pure person since Jesus. :P I will struggle just as much, if not more, since I will be granted more freedom as I grow up. However, I will be equipped with a tool I didn't have before. God's word, in my head, whenever I need it. How in the world can I keep my way pure? God tells me!!! By guarding my way according to his word. The Psalmist, and in fact solomon, talks about how important it is to hide God's word in your heart! This is why!!! So that we might keep our ways pure! So excited to start memorizing.
2. This will be shorter I promise. ;) :) Most of you all know what I mean when I say "voices in your head." Mine, like many others, never ever ever shuts up. It's relentless. Sometimes it's as simple as laying in bed and not being able to sleep because I keep hearing "Make sure to do the laundry tomorrow" "Did you start the dishes?" "What time is your appointment etc. (not in the weird schizophrenic way just the normal way). However, sometimes, I'll be playing out scenarios in my head, and due to my imagination and nightmares they can sometimes get horrific. What I've been doing to try and force myself to stop thinking is counting. ya know.... 1... 2... 3... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... 8.... 9.... etc. Until I fall asleep or can focus on something happier. It also goes the same way for sinful things like malicious thoughts. Now that I'll have scriptures I can use those to strengthen and help me. The Lord's word is so wonderful isn't it! :)
3. The Lord is always talking about keeping your mind from evil. In the old testament it was just about doing something wrong, but in the new testament even if you think about it it's sin. Which makes sense. For instance, most people don't just suddenly commit adultery or murder without first thinking about it. Murder is just hate gone very very wrong. So if we allow ourselves to entertain sinful thoughts, the leap from thought to action won't be as big. Which is why it is soooooo important to memorize God's word so that when we are faced with trials and tribulations and temptations we can get strength and encouragement right from our loving all-powerful father Himself. There! This one was shorter. ;) :)
College: In other news I leave for college in 11 days..... ::deep breath:: I am sooooo ready. I have everything I'm going to bring it's just a matter of packing it. Kira and I are both very excited to be roommates. :) I'm really looking forward for a chance to start over. Begin a new chapter. Move on from everything that is dragging me down and holding me back. I'll also be able to completely focus on the Lord (or so I hope). I really really need this. I need this chance to clear my head and begin anew. I'm nervous of course. But my excitement far outweighs that. Plus I'll have some very dear friends to come alongside me and pray and strengthen me.
OH!!!! And I can't WAIT to get my friend a birthday present. ;) ;) :) Actually my two friends. My bestie Meghan, and my dear sweet friend Tamara. I still can't believe I get to be in town for her birthday! So awesome! :) :) :)
Alright, now I'm just rambling. :) Goodbye everyone. Until next time. :) Never ever forget that God is our stronghold. To Him should we cling above all else!! Thank the Lord for friends and family that we can go to in times of trouble. It is in Him that I rest all my trust and hope!
God bless you
~ Isabelle
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