Not figuratively in any way.
However I absolutely adore rain. Again not in the figurative sense.
Last night was a gorgeous night. About a week ago, maybe longer, I repositioned my bed so it's right under my window. When I lay down I can look out at our christmas tree lights. Last night ::whistles:: what. a. wonder. The wind had the lights flinging wildly about, and the rain pelted at the roof as if begging to be let in. The wind too, was anxious to get inside. It howled at the window and flung leaves and small twigs, including the much hassled lights against the wall. I just lay there listening to the gorgeous rain pound down, safe under my (by this time quite warm) comforter. I'll have you know the covers were pulled all the way up into my chin and I felt completely enveloped in warmth (my bed is pretty cushy.... spongy? gushy? naw, cushy works best. Anyways, I kind of sink into it if I let myself).
- Monday and tuesday were both very relaxed.
Monday I rested most of the day (my body has been feeling exhausted lately).
Tuesday was a completely different story. For starters I had the first nightmare I've had in....maybe almost two weeks. Some crazed (and completely terrifying) serial killer was trying to kill me. I kept having to run, and hide, and figure out clues. At one point I made a call to a friend asking for help, but instead it was him and he said "No cheating" like it was a game. It was awful. So awful I woke up at 5:21 and it took 5 minutes to figure out it wasn't a dream. :P (I had my cell phone so I was able to check). Buuuuut, I managed to go back to sleep till 8:30. Dentist at 9. Made ladyfingers at 12 (thanks Nat <3. They were quite yummy). Gave them to the neighbors at 2:20ish.
(3:00pm) What does one do when one is alone and has a couple hours to one's self? One cleans. "One's room?", you might ask? No. "One's kitchen and one's room?" Again, no. When one has a couple hours to one's self and needs to relax one vacuums, sweeps, and pledges the entire house. The four front rooms, the bathroom, the hall, and the entry way, so that one's mother will be pleasantly surprised upon her arrival. Does this make one weird? Perhaps. Does one care? No.Another weird thing. Apparently I suddenly have an addiction to Sudoku. Mom and Grandma tried to get me into it a while back, but It just never stuck. Suddenly I'm doing 5-6 puzzles a day. o.O And we aren't talking easy. We're talking Moderate and Demanding. Where did this come from? How long will it last? One has no idea. ;) :)
This morning I woke up at about 8:30. I was exhausted, but nightmare free. :) After forcing myself to open my eyes I went into my parents bathroom to wash my face so I could be alert enough to read my bible. I opened the curtains and ::gasp:: the lawn was covered in a beautiful soft thin blanket of white, and it was snowing. :) This morning went by as usual. Devotions, breakfast, 2 sudoku puzzles, then I got my hair cut, then headed out to grants pass to have lunch with Natalie.
I'll try to summarize. hmmm ::thinks:: Who am I kidding. ;) :) We went to lunch at this lovely place with incredible food (I swear I won't be able to eat for a day ;)). Then we drove into town, stopped off to get tea, then to evangel, then to this little old fashioned soda shop for a milkshake (for me) and a sundae (for her). Then I had to head home. I had such a lovely lovely time with Natalie. She has been such a huge encouragement, not to mention sooooo much fun to hang out with. She got me the most adorable little teapot as a going away present. It's a soft grass green, with a steeper and everything. It will go perfect with my green tea cup. Pictures will come soon. :D She's the best! :) <3
::sighs:: Oh mother. She is so sweet. Lately she's been overcompensating due to my going away in.... 9 days.... o.O oh boy. Anyway, so today she and daniel took down the tree while I was in Grants Pass. I came home to an empty but very beautiful clean living room. Then, about 30 minutes later she comes home with... what could it be? A new tree! ::laughs:: She was worried that I would be upset that I didn't get to help take it down. Luckily it was on sale, but we (my brother, my mom, and I) all had a good laugh about it. It was so very sweet of her. :) I love her dearly. (We're all a little scared about how my Dad will react.
Another thing. I love being able to confide in people. Mostly Nat, Meg, and Daniel. Friends are wonderful, but there's nothing like your own brother to lean on. Especially when he's an entire head taller than you. ;) :)
Well, that's enough. God bless and keep you all safe and very healthy. May you guard your way and heart according to his word. I love you all as Christ calls us to. :)
Please take care.
P.S. Do you think I should get a new template or does this work?
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