Wow, I don't even know where to begin. The last couple of days have been incredibly busy, and a wee bit stressful. Most of it is self-inflicted. ;) :) I'm usually most alert when I'm cleaning the kitchen. There have been so many times when I'm washing a plate or sweeping the floor, and suddenly I think of a wonderful analogy for life. However, I've been trying to not post quite as much. Only post every couple of days. Another thing is posting when I see other people posting that way I don't become a compulsive poster. :) I suppose I could start with an update. Warning: This is going to be a long one because of everything that's been going on. :)
I last posted on monday and while I could take time to rave about the ball, I don't really have the brain capacity to think that far back. All I remember is that my favorite dance was my first one with the best dance partner Devin Kruse (he's tagged in the video on facebook), my feet really hurt by the end of the dance, and I should have never gone to Shari's and stayed up till 2:30. Big mistake.
::runs and grabs monthly planner so she can remember what she did::
So, here we go. :)
Monday: You know what I love about winter? It really doesn't matter what shirt you wear, as long as you have a stylish warm winter coat. So even though I had an appointment at 10:00 after an incredibly late night, all I had to do was roll out of bed at 9:30, grab a sweatshirt, pull on my lovely new black coat and a pair of jeans, and I was out the door (I've been getting into the habit of wearing make-up only when I have to. Let's not even talk about my hair. :)) After my appointment I drove to the store, got some ingredients, and made cookies.
Snow Drop Cookies |
The rest of the day was spent with daisy in my lap with "Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles," a dramatized retelling of Queen Mary. I really have so much respect for her. I guess this day wasn't all that stressful. :) That night the family watched a couple episodes of Psych. :)
Tuesday: Was another earlyish morning. I had a dentist appointment at........ ::checks planner:: 11:45am. I guess it isn't that early. :) I had to get my night guard fitted. Let me tell you, if there was ever a contraption designed specifically to make someone as uncomfortable as possible without inflicting pain, this would definitely be it. :P After the appointment I ran a few errands, then dropped off the cookies to the people they were intended for. About 2ish I texted my bestie Meg and we decided to go out to dinner to exchange gifts and have one last little outing (not including her birthday which is coming up). We ended up going to Red Robin, then Coldstone, then home for two episodes of Castle, and an episode of Psych. Yay Netflix and Hulu! :)
Wednesday: First off, I would just like to say how blessed I am to have such amazing friends. One in particular is my very dear friend Natalie Emmons. I don't want to embarrass her too much, but I would just like to point out how incredibly sweet and encouraging she can be. I adore hanging out with her. We have such wonderful and deep talks, but at the same time most of our time is also spent laughing and being funny. :)
With that said, I woke up at about 8:30, and was out of the house by 9:15, on my way to grants pass to meet with Natalie. We met at this wonderful little cafe called Ethereal Cafe for coffee. After talking for about an hour we started walking around town. We stopped at several little cute stores including the toy store. I had never seen it and I really wanted to take a look inside. We ended up building an adorable little house out of the building log things. I saw Aaron there, but he looked busy so we just left and went to these other little boutiques. All in all I had a really lovely time. :)
After making the 45 minute drive home I got busy in the kitchen and made two swedish tea rings. Every year mom makes her famous tea ring for all three pastors, but this year she has been really busy with getting the christmas cards ready, organizing everything with the choir, and preparing for the christmas eve service, so yours truly made her first tea rings for two of the three pastors. These aren't just an ordinary tea rings. Each one takes about three hours, and they require a ton of concentration because if one things goes wrong, the entire batch is wasted. However, I made and delivered them successfully, and according to Anne (the daughter of our head pastor) the tea ring was gone by this morning. :)
Thursday... Today: Woke up at 8:30ish. Again. :) After praying and reading my bible I went into the kitchen and started baking. I stayed in the kitchen from 9:00-3:30 without leaving. I made another tea ring for the millers, a batch of baklava for the Steinhorsts, a huge plate of rice crispies and a chocolate souffle cake for the Miller's christmas party.
Tea Ring
Batter for the chocolate souffle cake |
Favorite. :) A mountain of holiday rice crispie treats. :) |
Ok, believe it or not baking is incredibly tiring. Especially when it's not just chocolate chip cookies. So after cleaning the kitchen several times, and baking everything, I was completely worn out. And we hadn't even gotten to the party yet. :P :) However, it was very refreshing to change into nice clothes and go have an incredible dinner (thank you Mrs. Miller :) ) With about 22 other people. :) For all of you girls who love hearing about the fashion bits, here's how I tried to look christmasy without overdoing it or taking any time. I wore a dark cranberry dress/shirt over an olive green cami, with a brown belt, leggings, and black boots. A tiny bit of mascara, a darker lip, and curling just the bottom of my hair, made the appearance quick, easy, and without looking over done (I hope :)). Two more make-up things: One- if you want to go dramatic either pick the eyes or the lips. If you do a smoke eye with a dark lip, I've head, it can look over done. So just pick one to play with. :) Two: This is definitely the season for darker lips. I'm not talking black, but if you can find a dark cranberry, or a fitting purple (more redish purple, not barney purple. ;) :)) it can really pull a whole look together. :)
The party really was lovely, and after we came home we watched an episode of Psych. I am not completely worn out and though I would love to talk about all the different analogies I have thought of, this post is already quite long enough, and it's high time I go to bed. Busy next couple of days, but hopefully both mom and I will be able to really rest before we have to start getting ready for my departure. I leave in two weeks from Friday (which is in 6 minutes).
Speaking of which, there will be a short little gathering before we leave for the airport Friday afternoon before I leave at my house. Details to come. :)
Sometime very soon I am going to post about how absolutely incredible God is.
He is so good.
And so forgiving.
I love you all.
Always praying.
Always Hoping.
In God we trust.
(Sorry about the weird spacing)
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