A New World
Here I am in the kitchen. I've indulged in a bowl of Lucky Charms. They are so bad for you, but sooooo good. :) :) :) Don't worry mom, I had some scrambled eggs for protein. Although I did have to shove them down quickly before thinking about it. Eggs are still hard for me to handle. And here I thought I'd be able to be tough and all, lol, guess not. :)

Well, I don't have an incredibly long time to talk. Five minutes tops actually. So this one is going to be a bit brief.

1) I am going to miss my little Gianina (pronounced: jineena). She has been such a delight. ::sighs:: I'm really going to miss her.

2) Packing my bags was a nightmare. Lol, It was hard to fit everything in the suitcase, not to mention I've acquired two rather large books while in Virginia, both of which are being pack cause I finished them.


And I'm afraid that's all I have time for.

It's about one moment, The moment before it all becomes clear, And in that one moment, You start to believe there's nothing to fear, A new world calls across the ocean, a new world calls across the sky, a new world whispers in the shadow, time to fly, time to fly. ~Songs From A New World


North bound....hehehe. :)

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010