Time Does Fly
I've already spent almost a week here! Time has has a way of flying by really fast. :)
Gina and I spent the morning and afternoon together. I made her breakfast, we played outside, I helped her work on her spelling workbook, I made her lunch, and then we went to the pool. We were at the pool for almost three hours. I love spending time with my adorable cousin! When we came home I decided to buckle down on Speech and I wrote my Dramatic Interp. It's a little rough, but I am very pleased with it. Not much else took place. :)
Thursday morning was very similar to Wednesday morning. Gina crawled in bed, we made silly faces, then we made our way out to the kitchen and ate some breakfast. Aunt Agatha was home by the time we were done with breakfast. We then pack everything up for the beach. Including: Lunches, Waters, Towels, Toys, etc. :) It took us almost an hour to get everything ready, then it was off to Yorktown Beach.
104......Let me say that one more time.....104. That's how hot it was at the beach (I ended up suffering from a mild heat stroke that night). Even though it was almost unbearably hot Gina and I made the most of it. We splashed around to keep cool, and Gina found some cool rocks, minows, and she even caught a jelly fish (She scooped it up in her bucket then dumped it on the sand. The poor thing lasted maybe a minute before clocking out). There was an adorable little black boy who played with us. The three of us had a grand old time, despite the outrageous humidity. On the way home I snapped a few shots of historic Yorktown. P.S. I would love to come back here in the winter, when it's not so hot. :)
After the beach I went to the pool to cool off real quick. I had been having, ::cough, cough:: Lifeguard issues, so I was debating whether or not to go to the pool without Gina, but I was so hot, and I needed to cool off, so I simply went to the pool and stayed as far away from the lifeguard chair as possible (if you want details just email me). Well, after a while I had cooled down, but I was reluctant to face the treacherous sun on my walk back home, so I waited for the Lord. Silly was it seems, I kept thinking to myself, "Ok Lord, I will leave whenever you want, not yet, but I'll leave whenever, just show me, like make me feel guilty." Well He didn't make me feel guilty. He did something so much better.
You see, there were only two other people there (other than the life guard). They were minding their own business and playing in the pool. In the middle of my silent prayer I noticed that they were starting to get out. It was obvious they were getting to leave. Their departure would have left me and Mr. Lifeguard alone! How perfect is that! So as soon as I saw them leave I laughed and said (to myself) "Ok, ok, Lord, I'm leaving. Thank you." I just thought it was the funniest thing. And so perfect too! So when they left, so did I. :)
Thursday night I had a rough time sleeping. I slept all the way through, but I woke up feeling awful and dizzy. Looking back I should have been in check all day because of that. Anyway, Gina came in again and we went through the same routine, silly faces, finally rolling out of bed, trudging to the kitchen, and making breakfast for the two of us. We were going to go to the Mall today. Supposedly there are these lovely outlets. However, my poor Aunt got some kind of infection in her leg which makes walking incredibly painful, so any kind of plan was cancelled. I was bummed to say the least, and it made me a tad bit crankier (I know, I know, how selfish, trust me, I felt awful). I mean, I didn't show it outwardly, but I was disappointed. Gina and I went out on the lawn, and I made her lunch and we had a picnic. That was nice too, but, I don't know, I was just a little out of it. Luckily we decided to go on a walk, and that's when the trouble began.
We have to walk by the pool to go to the pond to feed the fish (our planned destination). Well, Gina wanted to dip her feet in, which I was totally fine with! Mr. Lifeguard wasn't on duty today....So. I. thought. Low and behold we enter through the gates and there he is, big smile and all. So, I was a bit short with Gina. I wanted to get out of there a.s.a.p. The stupid thing was that there was no threat. Nothing happened. I wasn't uncomfortable. It was just me having no patience. Needless to say I felt awful the rest of the way to the pond (I pulled Gina out before she wanted to go). So, we get to the pond, and I started feeling a little better. Just me and gina and two turtles. It actually was quite a lot of fun. :) On the way back home, I was determined to make amends, so I told Gina we could stop by the pool again. Well...yeah, we ran into a little trouble...
I don't know how many of you who read this also follow me on facebook, but seriously!!!! Do I have to go out in public with a bag over my head? Is that what it's going to take for people to leave me alone! Yikes! I was more worried for Gina, than myself, but still, I'm so sick of it! Ok, Lemonade time. I should always look for the lemonade. Ok. :) 1) The Lord had his arms wrapped around me and Gina. 2) He gave me the strength to refrain from saying anything and agitating the situation, and 3) we were only a block away from the pool so we were able to run to the pool and wait for Uncle Clint to escort us home (For the record, Gina didn't know what was going on, so she thought we were just racing to the pool so she happily complied, I guess that's 4). God is so good.
Today was Patrick's birthday so we had pizza and cake. The cake was mostly for the rest of us. Pat said, "Don't get a cake unless Gina wants one." I owe that girl. :)
I have been looking forward to this trip for a long time, and yet, just yesterday I was excitedly babbling on about plans I might have in August or October.
*Note to self: Stay in the now. Don't worry about tomorrow. Hey, it's biblical. ;) :)
All that to say, I'm having a wonderful time here in Virginia, and I can't wait to see my dear friends in North Carolina.
Last and Least
I need a good book selection. Preferably a christian romance. ;) :) See, I can't sleep on planes, so I have to read otherwise the time drags by and I go crazy. ;) :) Any suggestions? Please send them to me via email/facebook/or any other way. I know that if you're a follower there's a way to send a message through google blog or something. I let those of you who are more techy try to figure that out. ;) :)
I love you all so much!
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