"And I cant help but wonder..."
These are lyrics to the first love song I ever wrote....
Really brings back memories.
I'm exhausted, so my thought flow may not be as fluid as I usually try to make it. :P :) Well, I started the morning with a lovely ride to Seal Beach. From our house to there is about a 30 minute bike ride. It was cloudy. Let me say this again, It. Was. Clou. Dy. AND it started to drizzle a little.....Whatever. :P All the same, the bike ride was quite enjoyable. :) I got to ride on one of those awesome beach bikes. It's green, and the handlebars are way far apart, and the only way to break is to back pedal. It's totally different from a mountain bike, but it's totally fun. :)
Once at the beach, I walked out along the wharf while my mom watched the bikes.
You know the drill. ;) :) These are more like random reflexions rather than commercials, but whatever. :) Anyway, I love wharfs. There is something about walking 50 feet above the ocean. It brought back such a flood of memories. I love the way the wind totally thrashes at you, and how the smell of fish and salty air is so potent that it could knock you out if you breathed to deeply. I love walking down to the very end. I love leaning over the fence and just staring at the ocean below. I could do that for hours, if I wasn't alone. Eventually, I get lonely so I have to rejoin civilization, but I have to say, there are few other places that make me so happy. I won't go into detail about those other places. That would take too long. :)
Well, I came back and mom and I rode back home. We didn't do much else. Like I said earlier I went to Barnes&Noble and worked on apologetics for an hour. I got 1 1/2 cards done, and got a bunch of great intros. It was pretty fulfilling.
I went boating with the boys. They knee boarded, but I didn't have enough energy to go. They both did a wonderful job, and after we were done we cruised through the water streets. Basically it's all these canals, and these stunning homes that line the canals. Kinda like Italy, but the houses are high up, and the canals also serve as a harbor. (If you want to see what this looks like just check out my newest album on facebook. I added some photos today.)
The rest of the evening was spent in listlessness. Not exactly the best way to spend time not thinking....If you know what I mean. This evening I got a call from a dear friend, and we talked for one hour, 21 minutes, and 14 seconds. Not a record, but it's the longest I've talked to someone on the phone in a really long time. I love her so much. Soooooo much. SOOOOO MUCH!!! Lol. :) <3
Overall it was a day well spent. Tomorrow I go in for my treatment thing. I pray that it works, cause if it does it will make the next month, that much more enjoyable.
"Praise to Lord almighty he is Lord he is God indeed."
Goodnight. <3
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