Sun, Glorious Sun
----Wake Up, 7:32 am
Not really, but it's a fun song. ;) So this morning I slept till 9 after staying up till sometime past 12. If you have ever wondered, "Gee, I wonder what Belle thinks first thing in the morning." Well, your dreams are about to be fulfilled. I think, "Wow! I am so happy to be awake! I should go on a 3o minute jog to get my blood pumping and my heart beating. Won't it be lovely running and getting super hot, and super tired." ::laughs:: Ok, you got me, that is not what I think at all. In fact, it is the complete opposite of what I think. But whether I like to get up or not, today had to be lived through, and I certainly couldn't do any good staying in bed.
----Life Goes On
And so, ten minutes after I woke up, the bed was made, the couch was collapsed into it's former couchhood, and I was out the door with my Ipod. I reappeared 30 minutes later after a 30 minute gruesome run. It was worth it though. I have to admit, I did feel more awake and better. After I took a shower, cleaned up, and put on my face, my mom and I went to Trader Joe's. Has there ever been a more glorious place? My grandma gets the best cookies there. They're called "Tripple Ginger Snaps." I could eat them all day if I didn't have the stupid stomach that I do. Anyways, we got fresh blueberries and watermelon and that was my breakfast. Then it was a quick trip to best buy (I seem to remember giggling and walking down rows of refrigerators being silly and having a wonderful time. "I want the good times back." Good song) and then home.
By the time we got home it was nearing 1, so Daniel and Garret and I all went to 2nd street. Earlier I said we were headed to ANNE TAYLOR LOFT, but those plans were cancelled since no one wanted to wait the 20 minute car ride to get there. No matter, I still went to my favorite street. It's second street in Long beach, and it has a ton of adorable boutiques that can't be found anywhere else. I really do love it there. Well, the boys went shopping for Vans, and I found a very flattering dress, a great pair of jeans, and some lovely earrings. Overall it was an afternoon well spent.
----Memories, Like the Corners of My Mind
We then went to an early dinner at BJ's. I seem to remember a freezing cold night. Light piercing through the darkness, people filled the streets, and I walked down the side walks in a WHITE, not pink, but WHITE sweatshirt. That was the night Ariel and Belle had dinner together. ;) :) She was the one who lent me the sweatshirt. ::sighs:: The streets were shut down and tents filled with goodies could be seen in every direction. The only eventful part of dinner was eating a pazooki. I'll most likely get sick, but it was sooo worth it. :) Sadly, the tradition of going to the wharf after BJ's was broken, but we are going back on thursday to make sure that I do go on the wharf. Pictures should be soon to come. :)
Now is the time I would usually say, "We pause this for a short commercial break." However, I have no commercials today. What do I have to say though it this. For those of you who know me well you know what my body is like as far as health stuff. For those of you who don't, I'll summarize. My digestive system sucks. ;) :) Most of what I eat makes me sick. Fruit and salad and stuff is fine, but I usually get sick after eating anything with cheese, or pasta, or bread, or sugar. I also am plagued with headaches. Now, I'm not complaining at all. Most people have it a lot worse. However, my mom and I found these people who do this thing and it clears out all the toxins in your body. It's supposed to rid you of all the poisons etc, so we have an appointment for Thursday. I really really hope it works. It's also supposed to be good for weight loss, but I have no weight to lose, so that won't be affected as much.
So now I'm here, and you're there, and you just finished reading this. ;) :) Tomorrow holds many more adventures and I can't wait to discover them!!!
----Closing Thought
1 Comment
I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU GET HERE!!! :D and btw, I'm having a lovely time reading this. :)
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