1.) My lips have been semi-permanently stained a slight wineish hue. :) Thanks theatre.

2.) I just saw the movie Invicutus, and I watched the whole thing. Thanks Mom.

3.) When I was little I would always sleep on my side. In this position I fell asleep every night to the sound of Captain Hooks steps getting closer and closer. Then I grew up a little and realized that it was the people in my nightmares. Then finally, I realized it was just my heart beat. Tonight as I lay down, I seriously thought someone was walking around outside, then I remembered it was just my heart.

Thanks imagination. :)


P.S. I used to have a crush on hook. :)

Thanks :)

Posted on

Saturday, October 2, 2010

TJS said...

Wow. One of my worst nightmares when I was little was the part in the movie Hook where he's going to cut the little boy's throat. I always prayed so hard til God took it away! :(
Anyway.... cool post. :)

Isabelle Nicole said...

Awwww! I'm sorry. :) I've never actually seen the movie. :/

TJS said...

It was probably a good movie, but I saw it when i was little.... :/ That's ok. :D It just reminded me. :p