May 2011

So here it is. What you all have been waiting breathlessly for. ;) :) Jk.

Update: I will be recording some of my music June 3rd in a professional studio (eek! So excited!). I'll only be recording about 4-5 songs, however as you can see below there are more than five songs posted. I'm going to need YOUR help with this. :) So...... I'm having a GIVEAWAY! For those of you who don't know what a GIVEAWAY is, let me explain. :)

I will be giving out a free copy of one of my singles to a lucky winner (don't worry, you get to pick the single. :)) Why is this special? Due to cost and time, I will NOT be able to put my songs on iTunes anytime soon. However, I am (eventually) going to figure out how you can buy downloads - probably off amazon. How do you win? Well, it's simple really. :)

1. Comment on one or more of my songs. If you can't be positive, I would appreciate constructive criticism. ;) :) (1 entry)

2. Rate my songs from most favorite to least favorite. :) (1 entry)

3. Share the link to this post on your blog (make sure to copy the link to your blog in the comments below to get credit). (2 entries)

4. Follow my blog (2 entries)

The winner will then be picked out of the raffle. The more entries you have the greater chance you'll win a free song!

Post all comments in response to this post. IMPORTANT: don't post to the youtube videos; it won't be counted. 

I must say, it's a little odd for me to be marketing my music like this. :) However, I would really love to get my music out there, and see what kind of feedback I get. There's no time like the present so let me present:

3. "How I Fell" (YouTube refuses to let this one load. Just ignore it for now :))
        ~ PHCers: This is the one I played at the coffee house show. :)

6. "Lemonade" --- Ignore the bit about the "CD."

DEADLINE: June 5th!

P.S. I apologize for the lag in the videos and the actual recordings will sound much better. :)

God Bless you all! <3


Posted on

Monday, May 23, 2011

Me: What is that?

I: That on the floor?

Me: Yes. What else could I possibly be referring to?

I: Isn't it obvious?

Me: ::rolls eyes:: enlighten me.

I: That is my head.

Me: .......Oh. I'm sorry. Dare I ask what happened?

I: You're really not too bright are you.

Me: ::glares::

I: Well, if you must know, it had had quite enough. And exploded.

Me: I see. Did it hurt?

I: Don't ask me! Ask my head!

So. Done. Just another day in my life. :)

Why yes, I am wearing fantastic rather large glasses.

Chillin with my girlies. :)

No. More. Please.

Posted on

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Only have time for a quote today. It's actually more of a pick-up line - an original one. :D

"If we really came from monkeys, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be as pretty as you are." ~Daniel Schuler 
I'm so proud of him. lol. Not just because of this, but because of his ability to share the gospel with his friends. Though fearful at times he is strengthened by the Lord. Love you buddy! <3

Back when he was a little munchkin. :)


In Time

Posted on

Saturday, May 21, 2011

So, I may have failed, but life is a little too crazy. My apologies. :)

I loooooove this picture! :D

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." -Jane Austen 

Resting Between Laundry Loads

Posted on

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The Lord has carried through again!!! I have survived.... ::crashes:: no. really. ::crashes::

Huge thank you to Andrew and Blake for driving me to NC.

What's Next: I have a *crazy* busy summer. I'm currently with Lizzy and Hannah. We went shopping today. We'll do a few photo shoots, hang out, sleep, have a blast, that sort of thing. :) oOo!!! Also! I get to go to Les Miserables rehearsal tonight and help take notes. Soooo excited!!! :D I'll be here till tuesday.

This post was pretty short, but the next few posts will probably be insanly long as I try to relate the highlights of the semester. I'm a big lists person so here's hopefully the agenda as far as posts go. :)

1. I'll post some time before I leave for home, in which I will summarize the last few weeks.
2. I will write a post on the plane about all that God has shown me, lessons I've learned, people I love etc. :)
3. When I get home I will post a quick summary of North Carolina Trip.
4. In the post after that, I will lay out my whole summer for you, my plans for this blog, and much much more. :D

Love you all ferociously! :)


Posted on

Friday, May 13, 2011


I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
- The Importance of Being Ernest

A Little Bit of Cinnamon

Posted on

Friday, May 6, 2011


Brain = Complete Fried

Al. Most. Done

Mom is painting this over the summer! :D


Posted on

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Good News.
The witch of the west is dead
The enemy of all of us here in oz,
is dead
Good News

I'm exhausted and need to go to bed, but I wanted to share this. Before I go any further let me just tell you, I am proud to be an American. I really am. I am proud for the ideals that this country represents. And I love America. So please, do not think this is any kind of anti-Obama, anti-American rant. :)

“Osama Bin Laden is dead,” John told me matter-of-factly. I had to make him repeat it again before I understood what he was saying. Even then I had a hard time processing what that meant. It had been a matter of minutes since the news, and he didn’t know how or why, he just knew Osama Bin Laden had been killed.

About 30 minutes later, Betsy and I were on a lovely walk around the Ferris Wheel ;) when I glanced through the D5 window and saw the TV on and the room packed. I dragged Bets with me and we were able to witness the last half of Obama’s address. After telling of how Bin Laden had been killed by a special opps team of U.S soldiers in Pakistan. As Obama concluded his speech with the well-known “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all,” the room burst into applause and cheering. I joined in whole-heartedly.

However, no sooner had Betsy and I walked out the door and resumed our walk, than I suddenly was gripped with sadness. I confessed this to Betsy.

I understand that Bin Laden was a terrible man. I know that he was responsible for the death of millions of innocent people. However, it’s hard to really understand it all. In a time when numbers like that are just statistics that roll off you, it’s hard to resist becoming desensitized. In one sense I am glad that justice has been granted, and that evil has been stopped in the death of Bin Laden. At the same time, I feel grief for his death, in the way that I feel grief for any unbeliever’s death. If he thought he had it bad on earth, I can’t even begin to imagine-indeed I shudder-to think of the torment that he faces now and forever. Now some people write this off and say he deserved it, and while he did I know that I deserve it just as much. But by the grace of God I have been freed from sin’s grip. I mourn for those who are not.

At first I was concerned that this meant that I had something terribly wrong with me, :P but after being able to pray with Betsy for Pakistan and for those who had been directly hurt by Bin Laden, I was comforted in knowing that God is-as always-so completely in control.

As we had scrambled out of the room Alan called out, “Psalm 37 guys. Don’t fret. Psalm 37.”

Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and whither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”- Psalm 37:1-4

Good News!

Posted on

Sunday, May 1, 2011
