February 2011

I haven't posted an actual summary of life in a while.

Warning: I'm quite sick so my thoughts are going to be a little jumbled.

Last week: was sooo wonderful. :) I spent monday in D.C. with my two "older brothers/watchdogs." Tuesday was declared a snow day, or at least the only class I had for the day was cancelled. Wednesday was the only normal day of classes. Thursday I only had theology. Friday was Faith & Reason day, which meant more time for studying! Yay! :P :) It really was nice though. :) Rehearsals for Charlie Brown are coming along quite nicely. I'm super excited for the show. :) Although I'm having a hard time trying to decide whether I want Lucy to be from New Jersey or Russia. ;) :) Fun times, fun times. :) Also, I was able to go dancing tuesday and thursday night. I seriously had more fun dancing than I ever have, which is saying a lot. My teacher was very patient, and I was eventually able to conquer ariels! So much fun. :)

Saturday: the excitement begins. Sadie Hawkins Dance Day! I wake up at 4:00am with a fever, a completely achey/cramped body, a migraine that inhibits my vision, and a throat so parched I couldn't speak. I forced myself to go back to sleep, only to wake up again at 5:30. I then woke up again 6:15, 7:30, and finally 8:15. I managed to drag myself out of bed and force down a bowl of fruit as dear Claire sat with me for moral support. I went back to bed and had a similar sleeping pattern until 1:15 at which point my fever was gone, however it was replaced with a horrendous migraine unlike any I have ever had, which is saying a lot. In tears I asked my dear friend Hannah Farver to come and help. She did so willing, and I was able to calm down and get in 45 more minutes of sleep. The rest of the day was spent in a daze. I was able to look half way decent for the dance. I enjoyed myself at dinner, but after an hour I felt so sick I needed to go back to campus. Luckily, some friends of mine were kind enough to do so. Once I got back I tried to watch a disney movie with a friend but I couldn't make it, so I just fell asleep instead (I was asleep by 8:50).

I was pretty dead by this point. But Claire looks lovely. <3

Sunday: I woke up at 4... again. :P However, I took a melatonin, which is a homeopathic sleep remedy thing, courtesy of Hannah Farver and was able to sleep till 9:40. The plan was to leave for church by 9:45. :P Luckily, this wasn't the first time I had woken up on a sunday morning with five minutes to go so I was able to make it out to the cars by 9:45. Once I was out there I was seriously advised by all my friends to say on campus. Apparently I didn't look so great. :P :) So I did. I ended up alternating between studying and lying down. My migraine was reduced to a headache, praise the Lord. :) That's another thing. I guess I can talk about that later, but I continue to be in awe of how incredible the Lord is and how amazing his love is for me. I will never ever ever tire of reading Psalm 77. :) Sunday night I was in bed by 9, up at 11, and then asleep by 12. :)

Half the group. Yeah.... I'm not sure whether I love Alan, Andrew, or Gregg more. :)
MONDAY: hehe :) monday is monday is monday. Woke up at 4:45 this time! hooray. :) and then was able to sleep till 7:15. My headache was gone for the most part and the only thing wrong was I couldn't talk because my throat hurt and I was hacking all day long. ;) :) Classes passed as usual. I had my first midterm today.... ughmuffins. It was a western lit midterm. We were required to write five essays in an hour. I was desperately praying as I scribbled away furiously. I'm still not entirely sure what I wrote, but I don't think it made much sense. We'll see what happens. :) No Western Civ today which meant... guess..... More time to study!!!!!!! I have two more finals and a midterm and then

 I GET TO GO HOME!!!!! Sooooo excited. I'm going to bake, and cook, and do dishes, and stay up insanely late talking to my mom, and drive my brother to school, and walk my beloved dog, and play with my kitty, and see my friends, and be soooo happy. P.S.We, (being "we") have decided that 1) it is ok for y'all to tease me for being so housewifey, but at the same time it has been pointed out that 2) I can and am very feisty so don't think think I'm all that docile. :P ;) :) Even though my WES profile says I would be good at organizing tea parties. Don't even think about asking me to make a sandwich. ;) :)

I've been spending my mornings in Psalms and Proverbs; not nearly as much time as I want but all the same it's been very encouraging to read David's cries and pleas, and to hear Solomon's words of wisdom. I've really been getting into the whole femininity, self-reform, but on a God-focused level, and I've realized, of all the self-help books out there, Proverbs is by far the best, and completely different from any other book out there. Seriously though! It has everything you need. It really has been quite encouraging. 

Well, it's getting late and in trying to stay healthy and keep promises I'm going to head to bed. 
Goodnight !!!

I adore delicate things. Not sparkly. Usually small.
Things synonymous with: Delightful, Charming, and Precious
That's why I love simplicity
That's why I love flowers. :)

Time For Another One :)

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Midterms + Being miserably sick = Not fun

Tea and Tissues. Fun blog title? Maybe dealing with health. Idk. :)

Proverbs 3:5

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

::grins:: so much....... laughing at this picture. :D

"Don't worry John, we can just cut off your legs" :)

Really guys? Did we have to? ;) :)

Accurate on soooo many levels. :)


Chilling at Starbucks.... so tired. :)
Trying to be gangsta and really. really. failing. 
White House. 

I couldn't decide how to pose... Literally. :P

What happened between the "awkward homeschool picture" and "jackal scaring flower" picture. :)

Coolest house ever!

Wanna be. ;) :)

This post was 1300 words. However, what these pictures couldn't communicate:
- The pure awesomeness of everything
- How much we talked about
- How. much. we. laughed. :D

Good times. It's nice having dear friends. 

A Picture Is Worth.....

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

There's little that can compare to snuggling under sheets that have just come out of the dryer, and opening your computer and taking the time to make a tiny thumb print on this thing we call the internet..... Actually, there's a ton that can compare to it, and surpass it.... Wow. Fail. ;) :) hehe. :)

School: Ok, so life continues to go on at a mildly insane pace. I turned in my first "Spinney Paper" and completed my first "Spinney Test." We're just finishing the Aeneid in Western Lit. Western Civ is amazing as always. Dr. Favelo is seriously one of my favorite professors. Theology remains.... interesting. :) There are two classes, both of which will remain nameless, drive me insane. :P Trying to praise God for those classes. 

Health: I'm completely better...ish. There are days where I feel totally fine and healthy, and then there are other days when I feel totally sick. My back and neck is in a good deal of pain, but once again, I praise God for being so gracious to me in other areas of my life. For instance, I was able to beat Ian Reid in racquetball tonight... twice. Which is a good lead into...

Today: I got a TON accomplished. We had a snow morning which meant no classes (for me at least). I created a 13 item checklist and actually did everything. It made me feel very good. I also had the pleasure of playing the wonderful Ian Reid, who I beat. I started playing racquetball about a month ago, and Ian is one of the besst players on campus. I have to say this doesn't reflect on his skill level or mine. He is still much much better than me. But when he insisted that we play a second game after I had just finished playing two games (the first against him, the second against Seth), winning felt very good. 

Shout Outs: Ian and Seth for being such a good sports and playing racquetball with me. Caleb, Chandler, and Ian for allowing me to be a part of starting m77 (sooooo excited :)). Taylor Eckel: loved editing with you! You are such a lovely person. Abby: thank you soooo much for letting me borrow your car so many times this week. :D Kira: thanks for being such an awesome roomie. Chaedon and John: You guys make me laugh so much! Betsy: You have been such a wonderful big sister/mom. ;) :) Watchdog: You are so amazing. :) And you win. :) Love you all so dearly! 

Washington D.C.: This is when I tell you all about my amazing monday. Never has there been a monday more wonderful in the history of mondays. :) 

Monday: February 22, 2011
6:00 - Wake up and decide I'm too exhausted. Set alarm for 6:30. I only need 20 minutes anyway. :)
6:45 - Wake up, again, with 5 minutes to get ready. 
6:50 - Ready to go but I can't find my key card. :P John and Stephen were very patient. :)
7:20 - Leave campus
8:30ish - Arrive in D.C. and no one was there!!! It was so amazing. :D We just walked around the mall, and then headed towards the Smithsonian
9:00 - spent about an hour in "The Smithsonian Castle" and then headed across the way to the museum of natural history where we spent another hour an a half. 
11:15 - Made our way over to union station where we ate, and chilled.
12:00 - Walked around for an hour looking for the theatre. Yeah... an hour. :P It was boarder line miserable, but the guys kept it funny. We raced, pretended to be british, jaywalked soooo many times :P, and eventually made it to the Landmark theatre. Stephen tried to convince us to just forget about it. We found it almost 30 seconds later. WIN! ;) :)
1:00 - Saw "The King's Speech" and loved it! 
3:30 - Got out and meandered in what we thought was the general direction of the mall. We ended up stopping inside the National Portrait Gallery. We spent another full hour just walking around inside. It was really gorgeous. 
4:30 - I was pretty exhausted and so was Stephen. It's hard to tell when John is tired cause he's always so chipper. :) Anyway, we walked a few blocks in a certain direction and found ourselves in Chinatown. We escaped into a Starbucks and found a large window bench/table thing on the fourth floor and we just sat and drank coffee (for them) and salted caramel hot chocolate (for me), and talked a bit, and stared out the window, watching the busy city rush below us. :) It was a wonderful way to end the trip.
5:30 - We got on the bus and made the two hour ride back. I fell asleep and had an awful nightmare. :P

Life: continues. God continues to be incredible. I have my bad days and my good days, but God is always constant. He's always there to remind me how much he loves me. I am continually in awe of how far he has brought me and how merciful he is. 

Praying always. 

You've captured my heart with your love
You've opened my eyes to your wonders anew

Because nothing on earth is as beautiful as you!

Beautiful One

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Friday, February 18, 2011

...that never fail to make me smile.

So much love...

Missing my 100 year old copy of Pilgrim's Progress so very much. 


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

A great flurry of movement and suddenly ever thing is in its place; it’s perfect, color-coded, organized place. My desk – previously littered with papers of a great variety – is now pristine; adorned with a lamp, a jar of brightly colored makers/sharpies, and a bright green filing box. Just looking at it makes the world seem right. I love how ordered, and colorful it is. It’s just the right amount of colorful though (not too much), and each sharpie is ordered so that if you look at it right, they are in rainbow ordered. It’s the simple pleasures of life. :)

This afternoon has been so very lovely. I dare you to try and upset me. I guarantee you won’t be able to.

After a rather quick lunch (I’ve never eaten an orange so fast), I quickly escaped out of the lunchroom, and sought the safety of my room. As I pondered what to do next, I couldn’t help but notice how gently the sun spilled in through my window; it’s rays dancing around the dainty petals of the lovely pink rose sitting on my windowsill (the guys from Charlie Brown gave each girl a rose for Valentine’s day. It was so sweet. :) ). As the light played with my precious little flower, I suddenly thought how lovely it would be to climb up on the windowsill and read. I walked over to the window and quickly opened it. The moment the hinges were released, the window flew up and a warm gust of wind rushed through and wrapped me in a loving embrace. Minutes later I was perched on the welcoming sill. An hour later I had done all of my Western Literature reading. Sarah Foss stopped by room and we chatted for a bit, before heading to theology.

While I still struggle and have my hard days, the Lord is still always with me. I am so in awe with how amazing He is. He gives me so much joy and strength and love. Some days, like today, I feel like I’m simply overfilling with joy and peace and love. There’s no way this can be of my own making. The Lord is always with me… ::shakes head in disbelief:: That. Is. So. Amazing.

Well, my artistic thoughts have completely run out the door so I’m back to my awkward blunt, very uncharacteristic narrating. Probably a good sign that I should go.

Ephesians 4:2 

Isn't this so lovely? :)
It's so graceful, and lovely... I love how dainty it is.
I think pink roses are my new favorites.  

Chocolate = Love
Peanut Butter = Friendship
Chocolate + PB = One sided relationship (one's in love, the other isn't)
Chocolate Kisses = Love with kisses
Chocolate + Almonds = It's complicated
I can't remember what caramel is. I'll edit this post when I remember. :)
Red Roses: Hopeless romantics
White Roses: Optimists
Pink Roses: Realists who are hopefully optimistic. -> Me :)
~ I've been told realists are optimists in denial

Philippians 4:5

If someone asked me how I was doing this morning, the answer would have been very different than if they had asked me this afternoon. 
And if someone had asked me how I was doing this afternoon, the answer would have been very different than if someone asked me this evening. 
And if someone had asked me how I was doing this evening it would have been very different than if someone asked me right now.

So how am I doing right now? 
I honestly have no idea. 
"One moment it's sunny, the next it was cloudy, all smiles and laughter, then suddenly pouty." ~Coffee Shop Sneak Peak 
Life is a funny thing. 
        It thrusts us into these wild turns.
                It shoots us down these crazy side trails.

For instance, ever since I got here I have been formulating a plan. I'm all about plans and lists and what not. :) My plan has been to graduate from PHC in 3 1/2 years (I'll be 20) with a degree in political theory or journalism. Then I'll go straight away to getting my masters in journalism or some form of writing or literature. I was planning, of course, on taking classes full time so that I could get my graduate by the time I'm 21. Then, of course, I would start on my PhD. I'm not specifically sure what I would get it in, but hopefully I will have a more specific idea by the time I get there. I don't simply want to get a PhD for the sake of getting a PhD. I absolutely adore learning.

You know when your brain feels like it's about to explode because it just took in so much knowledge? I love that feeling. :D

On this track I would have been set up to have my PhD, hopefully by the time I was 26. I would of course go on to be an international journalist, and have a perfect life. :P

However, today, the most wonderful scenario in the world was this: At home, cleaning the house, making meals for my family, doing laundry, having a casual lunch with some girl friends, baking cookies for the neighbors, dinner with my wonderful family, and then a movie. Just a typical relaxing, productive day. So that leaves me totally confused as to what I want.

I think a nice balance would suffice. :) A power house stay-at-home mom. :) We'll see where the Lord takes me.

Prayer is a funny thing.
    The more you pray, the more you realize how little you pray.

I've been doing a lot of praying lately. More so than I usually do. I've been praying for my family and friends back home. I've been praying for people here at PHC. I've been praying for relationships all over the place. Spring is certainly in the air.

I've decided to go into hiding until Spring Break. :P :)

That's really all I have for now. Love you and I'm praying for you all. :)


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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Couldn't sleep at all last night, so I ended up watching this really sweet movie. I looooove Meg Ryan! :)

"‎When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." ~ Billy Crystal 


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Saturday, February 12, 2011

So tempted to get this. :)


Huge thank you to the Black's for letting me teach them how
 to make my bread. Talk about therapeutic. :)
"Why do you stare? Jackal, learn to be a gentleman."
Hooray for long complicated analogies. :)

Small Pleasures

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011