September 2010

Imagine if you will:

It's about 11:30pm. You walk into a spacious room. At one end of the room is a little white desk. At this desk sits a young girl. Snuggled back in the office chair she types madly as the words fly out of her head onto the document in front of her. She is constantly referring back to the papers scattered to the right of her computer. The left side is stark in comparison with a jar of pencils and a green mug, that once had tea in it. However, it has been empty for at least an hour now.

The girl herself is quite a sight to see. Her hair is tossed up onto her head held down only be a few pins. It seems to fly out in every direction. It is as wild as her typing. She reaches for the empty cup and lifts it to her lips for the tenth time, and blushes (though no one is around) as she remembers that its contents are long gone.

Finally, with an aching head, but almost an entire 6 page essay revised she leans back sighs and smiles, saves her work, sorts her papers into their specific color categories. She gets ready to go to  bed, but as a second thought she decides to blog one final post before she goes to bed.

So she does. :)

P.S. I would post some funny pictures, but blogspot is being stupid and won't let me. :) Love you all dearly. :) <3

So she does

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't have much time for anything. :)

I've uploaded the pictures from our hike up Roxyanne and I've added 30 photos to the Almost, Maine album. I'm off to rehearsal.

A Bientot! :) :)

So many things to do. Almost too many things to do. :) But God is so very good. :)

Today, I studied my SATS, took the 1 of 2 Physics Semester finals, read, finished my application for PHC, and then went to speech. Speech was awesome! I was frustrated because I didn't do as well as I wanted. We were supposed to get up and talk about we liked in school, and I.... ::laughs:: I'm silly. It was my first night. I'll hopefully get better.

Now, I'm happily situated with a cup of tea and a french movie. What a lovely day.

Pictures of our escapade to Roxyanne will be posted soon. :)

Love you all dearly.

I think I can claim that phrase. Even if I can't, I do. :)

::pauses then chuckles::


Life goes on. :)

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My favorite artist right now is Andrew Peterson, mainly because of Dancing in the Minefields, but also because of this recent discovery. 

Oh, and btw, I really really really don't like Mexican food (It's the food that makes me the sickest), so that contributed to my love for this song. :) :) :)

My dear friend Lauren Revealy shared this song. It's so very sweet. :)

Well I was 19 you were 21
The year we got engaged
Everyone said we were much to young
But we did it anyway
We got the rings for 40 each from a pawnshop down the road
We said our vows and took the leap now 15 years ago

We went dancing in the minefields
We went sailing in the storm
And it was harder than we dreamed
But I believe that’s what the promise was for

Well ‘I do’ are the two most famous last words
The beginning of the end
But to lose your life for another I’ve heard is a good place to begin
Cause the only way to find your life is to lay your own life down
And I believe it’s an easy price for the life that we have found

And we’re dancing in the minefields
We’re went sailing in the storm
And it was harder than we dreamed
But I believe that’s what the promise was for
That’s what the promise is for

So when I lose my way, find me
When I lose loves chains, bind me
At the end of all my faith
to the end of all my days
when I forget my name, remind me

Cause we bear the light of the son of man
So there’s nothing left to fear
So I’ll walk with you in the shadow lands
Till the shadows disappear
Cause he promised not to leave us
And his promises are true
So in the face of this chaos baby
I can dance with you

So lets go dancing in the minefields
Lets go sailing in the storms
Oh lets go dancing in the minefields
And kicking down the doors
Oh lets go dancing in the minefields
And sailing in the storms
Oh this is harder than we dreamed
But I believe that’s what the promise if for
That’s what the promise is for

Dancing in the Mindfields

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Monday, September 27, 2010

My lovely grandparents (the ones from Switzerland) have now been here with us for three weeks. I have been so blessed to watch my grandma clean everything tiny thing she can get her hands on. My grandpa is a hoot! He puts sugar on everything. Salad, brownies, juice, fruit, meat. Everything. :) It's been really cool to be living in a home where Swiss is spoken more than english. These are just a few quotes. Some of the ones said my grandparents aren't as funny when you write them down, but here they are. :)

Daniel: Your eyes are so big! They're like monster eyes, or owl eyes.


Daddi: Maybe I go steal some of your cookies


Daddi: You make good wife someday for happy boy


Me: No, what we need to do is put a female in there so that she’ll eat her husband 
Dad: They really do that?
Me: Yeah, that’s why you can’t keep a female and male together for too long. You have to either have two males or two females.
Dad: So they’re gay?
Me: Well I haven’t seen any babies, have you?
Dad: Gays don’t make babies.


Daddi's (grandpa) favorite saying: I spank you


Grossi: I do it.
Me: No, really, I can clean (kitchen/family room/whatever I am currently cleaning)
Grossi: (adamantly) No, I do it.


Daddi: Do you know why we give you money? 
Me: No.
Daddi: Because you no smoke


Daddi: OH BOY!


My dad and daddi were able to build a little log bench. We took it up to Roxyanne at sunset and put it about 5 minutes (walking) from the top. When you sit down on it you can look out over the whole valley. It is possibly the most beautiful sight in the world. We screwed it to the ground so no one will be able to take it. Daddi burned his name into the side. My hope is that one day I'll be able to take my husband up there and show him my little bit of heaven. 

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Dear friends,

Normally I don't post things like this, but I thought it was oh so clever, and I giggled my head off. :) :) :)

George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. 
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished  the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check. Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check. Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.  
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA so cheaply. 
The devil smiles and replies: "Since Obama took over, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."
God Bless America


Well guys, this is it. :)

Y'all have been so very encouraging as far as my music composition goes so I'm going to try to run with it. I've started recording songs on my keyboard and then singing along to them. I really doubt it will go anywhere, but we'll see what the Lord does with it. This is where YOU come in. ;) :) If you would be so kind as to share the video with as many people as you can: Facebook (I don't have one), Twitter, Email, MySpace (Do people still do that). Basically I'm want to get my stuff out there and see what happens. Thank you all again for being so sweet and putting up with my plunking. :)

Here's my first song. It's my most recent. Also, that is the channel where I'll be posting all my songs so if you want to be EXTRA lovely and subscribe I would be totally thrilled. :)

Love you dearly

Lemonade <-------- CLICK IT!!! :) :) :)

Music? Ok.....

Posted on

Sunday, September 26, 2010

God has brought all these wonderful little things into my life: Good fellowship, chocolate, strawberry frozen yogurt, trips to Harry & David, and so so so much more.

And he keeps giving!!!!! It's..... ::shakes head:: incredible. He cares for me so much. And he gives me new hope every day.

For a while I was a realist. As a dear friend once said,

"A realist is a pessimist who doesn't want to admit it." 
 However, when faced by God's overwhelming outpouring of blessings in the midst of despair, I don't understand how anyone could be an optimist.

I'm what you call an extreme optimist; I'm just happy I have a glass of lemonade. :)


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Friday, September 24, 2010

...To live each day to its fullest

Medford= Very Hilly + Leisure biking= Super fun - leisure = eh + rushed = 

Anywhoozles, my car broke so I have been using my bike to get around. Fun, but super tiring. :) 

I have been soooo blessed with the teachers God has placed in my life, namely: John Doty and Sean Warren. Both teachers wrote me wonderfully sweet letters of recommendations, and I am forever grateful to them. Thus concludes, stage two of applying to my seven colleges. :) I've written 7 of my 13 essays, and sent in 3 applications (Hillsdale, Wheaton, and Emory & Henry). The most important thing right now is studying for SATs. I'm currently carrying about 45-50 vocabulary notecards on my key chain, and am reading as much as I can. Very hard, but the outcome will be worth it. As far as the rest of my school: I finished my Pre-Calc. semester final, my physics final is next week, and I'm half way through my last book of the semester in history. Why do I bore you by the tedious recounting of my education thus far? Well, because most of it is lemon water. I like lemon water. :) It's not as nice as lemonade, but hopefully all of this will pay off. :)

I am now off to have sherbet with the lovely Natalie Emmons and later this evening I will be teaching the equally lovely Mrs. Miller to make chocolate souffle cake. :)

Oh Lord, I've done nothing to deserve all this sweet lemonade. Thank you. So very very very much. :)

"Life (God) gave me lemonade and I can't imagine why." -Lemonade: Chris Rice

Tonight was opening, and it was INCREDIBLE!!!!! The audience was great, and the scenes were so fantastic. My favorite compliment of the night was when Mr. Warren said of my scene with Daved (We're a couple who's going in different directions. It's painful.) "It's scary, almost a little uncomfortable with how real it felt. You shouldn't know what that feels like yet, and yet you do." :) :)

Anyway, I absolutely ADORE my cast, and will miss them sooooo much. It's been nice having a small cast, cause now we're all really close.

Yeah, we've had our ups and downs, but I love you all so very dearly. <3 <3

You guys remind me of why I love theatre. :)

Here's my photo album for Almost, Maine. And Opening night video. :) 
More to come. :)

Almost, Maine: Album
(Idk why the font is being weird. Sawwy. :) )

Another opening...

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

"The wise woman does what she knows. If it's fighting she fights, if it's sewing she sews, when the tension inside of her flows and goes too far." -Songs For A New World.
What a day this has been. :) After working on school 9 hours a day, studying for my sats (3hrs. a day), and going through *hell week, I woke up this morning and thought, "ENOUGH!" I slept so I could remember what that was, then I crawled out of bed at 8, sat through my english class, checked my emails, and by 1, was not feeling much better. THEN, I remembered how fond I was of baking, and of how relaxing it was.

So here I am, with Betty Crocker's Double Chocolate Cake in the oven, and a Cocoa Fudge Cake, ready to go, and I am feeling much better. :) Singing and baking make a lovely combination. :)

*Hell week: (n.) A common phrase referring to the tech week of a play or musical. The origins are unknown but may have to do with the fact that going through this week is like hell. 2) Also known as "week of hell."

Funny Story: I started making the Cocoa Fudge Cake and half way through realized I was reading the wrong recipe (German Chocolate Cake). This is how it went.

Me: Mom, I accidentally started making the wrong recipe. So I've doubled everything. I can still make the cake, but it would be easier to throw it out.

Mom: NO!!!!!! We canNOT throw that out. Let's make it into cookies.

Me: Ummm, that won't work.

Mom: Well we can't throw it out.

Me: Ok, how about this. I'll put what I have in a plastic container, stick it in the fridge, and make cookies with it later. Then in two weeks, I'll go into the fridge and say "Oh, I forgot to make the cookies," and THEN we can throw it out.

Mom: ::pause:: Ok. :) :) :) :)

Yes it is a bit much. But I promised I would post the pictures, and I wanted to have fun with them. :)

Belle likes having fun with poses. :) There were some awesome pictures, but they got deleted. :-/

Cheezy? Yes. Gorgeous? Yes. Soooo much fun? Yes. :) :) :)
 I like this one. :)

Not too crazy about this one. :P

That's all folks. 


3 in 1 night?

Posted on

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Lemons: Meg and I took 200 pictures, some of which even I thought were gorgeous. (All the ones of meg were fantastic as always) Anyway, my computer decided to be stupid and delete all but about 30. 

The Lemonade: We have an excuse to get together and take more pictures. :)

This is Belle. She likes pretending to be a broken doll. 

She likes hugging things. :)

But not boys. :)

This is Meg. She likes chillin on railroad tracks....

And singing while deep int thought


She can.

Cause she's cool like that. :)

They're best friends.

Did you know that? 

Well they are. :)

I can't WAIT for the lemonade. 
Theme: vintage. :)

Here we go 

Bring on the Vitamin C

And the Hot tea 

(I ADORE this mug warmer. I want one. :) )

I wonder if lemonade takes away sickness. 

(This picture makes me so happy. :) )

Hmmm, I could see the potential. :)

"A good chocolate souffle cake recipe is like true love...

It just keeps getting better, and better, and better."

Remedy for Aching Body: Baking :)

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Saturday, September 18, 2010


Oh! Lord, as I look at these huge black clouds, and I watch the rain tumble down in a hurry...

I can do nothing but exclaim how beautiful You are 

over and over and over

::takes a breath:: Just look!!!!

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Every morning I am reminded of how blessed I am to have such an incredible brother. :) I absolutely adore him. :)

And I am loving my new scanner 


As I was walking down out street I noticed that almost every house is for sale, and this is what I conjured up.

Warning: These contents are an attempt to express SMALL perplexities and should not be taken literally. I'm fine. :) If you wish to stress over it, then so be it, but these are the words of a lowly poet, expounding on her humble musings.

And so it begins:

As I walked down the street I saw houses all around me. Their occupants rushing about. Leaving. Everyone was leaving. Everyone is leaving. They are all moving on, some to better, some to worse, but all of them moving.....

And here I stand. Still. I am not moving on. As much as it kills me to stay, the thought of moving on is almost too much to bear. I can't face the unknown. 

I once was like these. Rushing about. Going from one house to the next. Then I found my house. I found it and I stayed. If I had to find another house, I fear my heart would break. It is already so delicate, the the slightest movement may shatter it.

So here I stand. Here I stay. While everyone moves. 

pt. 2 to come.

Metaphor pt. 1

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Lord gives....

and the Lord takes away....

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Note To Self:

Even YOU can't do Pre-Calculus after 8:30 :P


Just as a reminder :)

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010