Tonight was opening, and it was INCREDIBLE!!!!! The audience was great, and the scenes were so fantastic. My favorite compliment of the night was when Mr. Warren said of my scene with Daved (We're a couple who's going in different directions. It's painful.) "It's scary, almost a little uncomfortable with how real it felt. You shouldn't know what that feels like yet, and yet you do." :) :)

Anyway, I absolutely ADORE my cast, and will miss them sooooo much. It's been nice having a small cast, cause now we're all really close.

Yeah, we've had our ups and downs, but I love you all so very dearly. <3 <3

You guys remind me of why I love theatre. :)

Here's my photo album for Almost, Maine. And Opening night video. :) 
More to come. :)

Almost, Maine: Album
(Idk why the font is being weird. Sawwy. :) )

Another opening...

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Thursday, September 23, 2010