Well guys, this is it. :)

Y'all have been so very encouraging as far as my music composition goes so I'm going to try to run with it. I've started recording songs on my keyboard and then singing along to them. I really doubt it will go anywhere, but we'll see what the Lord does with it. This is where YOU come in. ;) :) If you would be so kind as to share the video with as many people as you can: Facebook (I don't have one), Twitter, Email, MySpace (Do people still do that). Basically I'm want to get my stuff out there and see what happens. Thank you all again for being so sweet and putting up with my plunking. :)

Here's my first song. It's my most recent. Also, that is the channel where I'll be posting all my songs so if you want to be EXTRA lovely and subscribe I would be totally thrilled. :)

Love you dearly

Lemonade <-------- CLICK IT!!! :) :) :)

Music? Ok.....

Posted on

Sunday, September 26, 2010