First, I would just like to thank everyone who read my blog post and/or sent me encouragement. God really used the article to bless me in more ways than I would have guessed. I was especially surprised at the amount of guys (at least at my school) who were encouraged by the post.

I still have so much to elaborate on, but have decided to wait and let it sort itself out more in my mind and in my conversation with others.

One of my guy friends messaged me wishing to continue the conversation, which led to many questions.


I love my school. I’m pretty sure there isn’t another school in the country that is as perfect for me as this one. This includes the people. I love them so incredibly much. As some friends put it recently (and I’m paraphrasing here), “if the world were coming down on us, I would fight back to back with you” (it sounded way cooler when they said it). I would run into any fire to save all of my friends here at Patrick Henry College, so deep is my affection for them. That being said…

I am so stinkin tired of the rumor mill, not just because of the rumors themselves but because of how they damage friendships and put an unhealthy pressure on emotions. This isn't specific to my college either. It's prevalent throughout most of what is recognized as the conservative christian community. Let me explain.

Charlie likes Claire, but isn’t really planning on doing anything about it because he doesn’t want to be in a relationship/likes another girl too/wants to keep his options open… take your pick. However, Claire finds out that Charlie likes her, and immediately thinks “Oh no! I need to completely back off so that he doesn’t get the wrong idea.” In the end, you have two frustrated people who have just lost a friendship. The exact same thing can happen in the opposite direction.

This gives undue weight to emotions, more so than necessary. Emotions are powerful, yes, but I believe that we shouldn’t trust them (they are God given, but that does not constitute a full dependency on them when wishing to know our own desires). It is perfectly natural for boys to like girls, and girls to like boys. What counts is what you do with those emotions.

At the risk of sounding preachy, or offering a concrete solution, I’ve found that in the event that a young girl finds out that one of her guy friends likes her, she should completely drop the friendship so as not to hurt his feelings and keep him “emotionally safe”…? By no means! I don’t mean to sound sarcastic. Girls definitely should not intentionally lead a guy on if there is no interest on her side. Then again if you’re flirting with someone when you find out he likes you, the bigger problem is that you were leading him on to begin with, not how much you need to scale back so as to not hurt him. That’s probably something a girl should think about in the first place.

So, back to Charlie and Claire. The ideal situation is that Claire would continue to treat Charlie as a godly brother in Christ, conscious of the information she has received, and careful in her actions, but still just as much as a friend. There are usually two things that will happen at this point. 1) If the guy is seriously interested, he’ll tell her and ask her out in which case she can say no politely, and they can take things from there. Or 2) the guy’s emotions will blow over (as is most often the case), and their friendship will continue as it was before, and perhaps be richer because of it.

So now the Questions:

I’ll be thinking about these over the next few weeks. Some thoughts I’ll share, others I won’t (I’m currently reading Perelandra, but if anyone has any other material that they found enlightening, I would love to read/listen/watch it).

In light of my last article, what are some practical things that girls can do to encourage men to pursue godly manliness? Maybe it isn’t a list, but more of a mindset?

What would young men say are the most fundament aspects of being a real man? How does that compare with what girls think?

I’ve recently been told that when a young woman likes a young man, she should encourage him in such a way so that he is confident in pursuing her (the idea of leading the man without him realizing that you are leading). How should this differ from the sisterly/godly encouragement that young men want to receive in order to push them towards manliness?

What do guys see as the main distinction between sisterly/godly encouragement and flirtation?

How do the answers to all these questions compare between guys and girls? Are there any differences in the answers so significant as to cause confusion between the sexes?

Dr. Esolen has spoken of a wasteland. While it’s great to talk about reclaiming it, what does that look like practically?

There are so many more questions that will arise, and I realize that these aren’t easy, one word answers. But I would really love to hear thoughts, not only from men, but also from young women.

If it isn’t already obvious, I don’t know the answers to these questions. I feel so inexperienced and ill-equipped to head up any sort of discussion on such matters. A lot of the things that I speak against, I am completely guilty of doing myself.

What I wish to emphasize here is that there is a curiosity that has arisen in me, that is mirrored by those around me. It is one that I have decided to pursue. Are there concrete answers to all of these questions? I don’t believe so. I am not seeking to unveil the mysteries of the opposite sex so as to understand them more (as fascinating a subject as that is). I simply wish to dialogue about the interaction between guys and girls, and how it has swung between extremes over the last few years. As in all things, I want to bring glory to God in all that I do. If this discussion does nothing but bring one man or woman closer to understanding his or her purpose as a child of God, I would count myself incredibly honored to be the tool God uses to communicate truth. 

Again, I feel so inadequate to facilitate such a conversation, but I realize that any truth that comes about from this is because God himself is at work in the hearts and minds and words of those who participate. Soli Deo Gloria.


“A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty, the contemplation of mystery, or the search of truth or perfection is a poverty-stricken day; and a succession of such days is fatal to human life.”

The Discussion Continued

Posted on

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1 Comment
Ali said...

I will be fully honest, this conversation is one that is a forerunner in many minds of Christian young people today, as I know that it is for myself. I am no different, I do not have all the answers, nor do I claim to. However, I will share what I do know. As you have mentioned, our relationship with God must always remain first. If these things come between us and Him, we have better leave them alone altogether. Also, we must realize God has a purpose and a plan and is custom making our husbands/wives for us. Along with the Word of God and prayer, godly leadership is huge. One of the best things girls can do sometimes is step back and let godly men affirm our young men and as women, draw close to the leaders in our lives who have more wisdom in these matters than we do. Along with this, one of the major thoughts as far as the line of being "sisterly" and flirting is the question, "Would I want some other girl treating my future spouse in such a way?" Everyone is (in most circumstances) someone else's future mate, and we must not toy with emotions or flirt with flirtation. Finally, I do agree that there are good godly guys out there. I am proud to know a great many and many in the making. Girls in our culture have no longer set a standard for what kind of man they will let win their heart, and in response we have come out with men who have found they do not have to do more than show up to attract a woman. It is a sad truth indeed. One of the best ways we can encourage our young men is being a woman of character who has some mystery and must be chased and won, not just handed over. I know, I have exceeded what should be merely a comment, but hopefully it helps. I admire your bold declarations and even your vulnerability in posting such a topic. The best of luck as you continue in school and in servng God. Well done (: