How do I look?

You look adorable.

Are you sure? I mean don’t you think these earrings would look better? Or maybe if I wore these shoes my thighs wouldn’t look as big. Or maybe I just need to wear a different shirt? Or get new make-up or lose 10 pounds...

I do have to say, the later part of this conversation usually only takes place in a girl’s mind, but let me tell you, it does happen.

Guys, this may annoy you or even frustrate you, but this is an issue so many girls struggle with. No matter what we do, we are never beautiful enough. It doesn’t matter what you say, or what you do, or how you look at us. Until the Lord gives us peace about our physical appearance, we will never view ourselves as beautiful.

Recently, the Lord freed me in an area of my life that I’ve been struggling with for almost three and a half years. But two weeks ago I looked in the mirror and thought, with complete sincereity, Wow, I really look ugly. I looked no different than normal but I suddenly saw myself differently.

And thus began the slow downhill progression toward selfishness.

It was yesterday the Lord began convicting me.
Belle, why are you so worried with how others view you? Don’t you know I made you beautiful? I made you exactly how I wanted you to be.
When I spoke with some dear friends about it, they echoed these words. As I was praying for others, I found myself praising the Lord for the beauty that he had created and sustained in the girls around me. Why do I so thoroughly believe God’s truth applies to others but fail to apply it to myself? It was then that I decided to do challenge myself.

The Challenge: Don’t wear makeup from Monday to Friday

Let me explain my decision. Makeup is lovely; makeup is not sinful. If used correctly it can enhance your natural beauty. I enjoy makeup, but I can also live without it. I’m not doing this because I’m obsessed with makeup. This isn’t a fast from something that is central to my existence. Rather, this is a simple step towards drawing my mind away from things I do that, in my mind, make me pretty. It isn’t about what clothes I wear, or what makeup I put on, or even what food I am seen eating. When it comes to beauty, all that matters is my relationship with the Lord, and my spirit of contentment in Him.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

P.S. I seriously don't need affirmation. That certainly won't address the issue, and I would never want anyone to feel like they had to say something. So please, don't feel the need to tell me I look pretty. Affirmation is not the point of this experiment. :)

In which I challenge myself...

Posted on

Monday, September 19, 2011

1 Comment
Emily Hannah said...

I was just talking to a friend this morning about our constant insecurities. Thank you for posting this, Belle =)