Her Flowers 

The autumn air was warm, yet crisp, and brought with it a lovely pleasant feeling. The kind that can only be felt if you really pay attention. She sat on the cold pavement and let the breeze swarm around her as she stared intently at the large pumpkin that was situated in her lap. She paid attention. She was vibrantly aware of the laughter around that rose and subsided as each new passerby came and contributed a funny story or some random anecdote. She sat in the company of her friends, and was acutely aware of that soft pumpkin smell that drifted all around them, as if it was a gentle haze that was determined to fill them with it's cheerful happiness. Gradually the light faded, the passersby became fewer and fewer, till only she and her two companions were left to carve their pumpkins late into the night. 

She stared at her pumpkin, almost content with the rose that peeked back up at her. It was then that one of the security guards sauntered up the steps to join the little party. 

"Belle, I think you have a delivery."

She continued to stare at her pumpkin. The rose still needed work and she did not particularly feel like getting up to do anything else until her pumpkin was finished. 

"It's flowers."

Frozen. She gripped the small carving knife tightly, and with as much control as she could muster, finished her petal then set the knife down. With, less than fluid movements she got up brushed herself off and then in a state of nervous excitement flew down the stairs, across the road, back up the stairs and into the grand lobby with her roommate in tow. All the while her mind was racing. Who? Why? Should I be scared? Should I be flattered? Finally, to prevent herself from going mad she forced out all the thoughts and decided to calm down and just take it as it came.

When it did come it came in the form of a lovely vase, small and not showy (she unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief). Nestled happily inside were three small pink roses, a few stems of what looked like larkspur, and a whole bunch of something that she was not familiar with. The result: It was simple and therefore beautiful, and couldn't have made her happier. Attached there was a note that read "Fall in love with a girl who loves flowers." This of course was in response to her previous facebook status "fall in love with a guy who loves to give you flowers." You see, she really really really really really really really loves flowers. 

I will spare you the details of the poor girl's distraught mind. Her thoughts ranged from "what if it's a stalker" to "it could just be one of my girl friends being silly right?" I must say, she got a lot of laughs when this last hypothesis was produced. 

Guys, you may be alarmed by the amount of drama that goes into receiving an anonymous bouquet of flowers, but for us girls, it is quite an occurrence. Especially for individuals like Belle, things like this were exceedingly rare, if not nonexistent-up-until-now. Take courage though. After much hypothesizing, Belle decided to simply take the flowers for what they were: a thoughtful and beautiful gesture. 

This story has an extraordinarily happy ending. The next morning, just before chapel her roommate came up to her.

"I know who it is!" 

It was revealed that three wonderful friends had seen Belle's status and thought "we have to do something." In the end belle had interpreted the gesture correctly.

They are now sitting on her window sill alongside another beautiful bouquet sent by her parents to make the anniversary of her baptism. They fill the room with a happiness that can be provided by little else. Let it suffice to say that Belle is immensely grateful and pleased.

Qualification: In reference to one of my quotes. I would like to think (and for the most part I do believe) that I am above melting when a guy I like looks at me. However, I am not above smiling nervously, stumbling over my words, and tripping... constantly.

Qualification: I am suffering from none of these symptoms at the moment.

Qualification: I like to make qualifications. ;) :) (Qualifications that drive certain individuals crazy ;) :))

In which I receive flowers and my life is made happier

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011