I'm such a pathetic mess. ::laughs:: Don't worry. There is nothing wrong with me. I mean, I'm crazy, but hopefully y'all already knew that. Anyways, I was praying with my Daddy, and I was praying that the Lord would give him strength, and I could feel a lump slowly building in my throat. Even now as I write it's all I can do to swallow that stupid lump. :P :) Anyway, :)

I would like to introduce you to the most incredible man I know, and very likely will ever know:

My Dad:
My dad is the hardest worker I know and he's the hardest worker most people in Medford know. He almost never says no to anything that my mom or I ask, but if he does you can be sure he's spent a lot of time in prayer. He prays about everything. Before giving an answer he always consults the Lord. He's the most godly man I know. His work ethic is incredible. I know I've already said he's a good worker, but you wouldn't understand unless you went to work with him or lived with him. Yet, he always manages to balance work and family. As far as I can remember my Dad has always made family his priority. This little rant is all pieced together quite haphazardly, but as most of you know, whenever I'm very passionate about something and can't really take time to express all I want, my words and and thoughts kind of just spill out in no order whatsoever. I also do this when I'm tired. :P 

As I watch my Dad I realize that he is getting old. His hair is just beginning to gray. He is more tired than he usually is from a combination of his heart, his back, and the work he does. Whenever I see him tired, my heart aches so very much for him. ::laughs:: here come the tears. But they are happy tears. I am overjoyed that the Lord has placed such a godly example in my life. 

I think girls go through this phase where they want to marry someone like their dad, then they want to marry the farthest person from their dad then they go back to wanting to marry someone like their dad. Me: I've always wanted to marry someone like my dad. Someone who adores his wife and family above anything but the Lord. Someone who is willing to put aside what he wants. Someone who loves like none other. Someone who works hard to provide. Someone like my Dad. :)

My husband is going to have a tall order to fill. However, if you are reading this.... ::laughs:: that doesn't make sense. The point is, that I don't pretend that my dad is perfect. He's only human. I realize that my husband will have his own weaknesses and his own strengths. What I mean is that my dad gives me an example of what to look for in a husband: Honest, Loving, Devoted but not too much, and realizes that everything he has is a gift from God. 

.........::laughs softly::..........

No more tears. Just the most incredible father a girl could ever hope for.

And a bucketful of lemonade

I love my dad so much!

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010